

  1. @jonquille Oh hello! Welcome to rdn! !vabronies I presume? Nice avatar.

    Monday, 24-Oct-11 20:47:30 UTC from web
    1. @miloth brainderped.

      Monday, 24-Oct-11 20:48:39 UTC from web
    2. @miloth Yes and Thanks

      Saturday, 29-Oct-11 01:34:15 UTC from web
      1. @jonquille No problem! Since you are here, how are you?

        Saturday, 29-Oct-11 01:35:08 UTC from web
        1. @miloth I am great :) listening to my fav pony podcast (bronyville)

          Saturday, 29-Oct-11 01:36:36 UTC from web
          1. @jonquille Ah, Good to hear that! I heard about them a lot but never actually got to listen to that podcast. How is it?

            Saturday, 29-Oct-11 01:37:21 UTC from web
            1. @miloth You should give em a try. They are awesome. Its how I get my pony fix between episodes

              Saturday, 29-Oct-11 01:39:15 UTC from web
              1. @jonquille Okay, i will! Pony fix you say? What's the podcast mostly about? Like what do they do during the podcast?

                Saturday, 29-Oct-11 01:42:41 UTC from web
                1. @miloth They talk about ponies and have guests come on. And have pony discussions. And talk about pony news and fan fics. They bleep curse words with the fluttershy "yay". They are really funny too

                  Saturday, 29-Oct-11 02:01:20 UTC from web
                  1. @jonquille haha, I should try watching it soon.

                    Saturday, 29-Oct-11 02:01:56 UTC from web
                    1. @miloth They are on itunes, just search bronyville

                      Saturday, 29-Oct-11 02:05:05 UTC from web
                      1. @jonquille Will do, after I update itunes.

                        Saturday, 29-Oct-11 02:05:38 UTC from web
      2. @jonquille I never seen you around these parts, so you are new to me! Hello! :D !hugs

        Saturday, 29-Oct-11 01:36:49 UTC from web
        1. @stumperman07 I just joined RDN a couple of days ago :) Hi

          Saturday, 29-Oct-11 01:38:25 UTC from web
          1. @jonquille Now how are you, which profile picture looks like a pony laying down in a shape of a heart?

            Saturday, 29-Oct-11 01:38:58 UTC from web
            1. @stumperman07 what do you mean? how did I get my pony to look like a heart?

              Saturday, 29-Oct-11 01:41:03 UTC from web
              1. @jonquille Look at it, it looks like a shape of a heart.

                Saturday, 29-Oct-11 01:41:39 UTC from web
                1. @stumperman07 I know. Its meant to look that way. Let me look up something of DeviantArt

                  Saturday, 29-Oct-11 01:42:42 UTC from web
                  1. @jonquille Okie Dokie Pony I just meant.

                    Saturday, 29-Oct-11 01:43:12 UTC from web
                2. @stumperman07

                  Saturday, 29-Oct-11 01:46:46 UTC from web
                  1. @jonquille D'aaaaaaawwwwwwwww *explodes in cuteness*

                    Saturday, 29-Oct-11 01:47:25 UTC from web
                    1. @stumperman07 I know right :) I just did some color editing to make the same shape for my pony

                      Saturday, 29-Oct-11 01:49:09 UTC from web
                      1. @jonquille Well now I want to hug everysingle thing I see.

                        Saturday, 29-Oct-11 01:50:45 UTC from web
                        1. @stumperman07 Especially the fluttershy heart pony

                          Saturday, 29-Oct-11 01:52:08 UTC from web
                          1. @jonquille Yes.

                            Saturday, 29-Oct-11 01:53:17 UTC from web
          2. @jonquille so wellcome

            Saturday, 29-Oct-11 01:39:18 UTC from web
            1. @mushi Thanks :)

              Saturday, 29-Oct-11 01:41:13 UTC from web