

  1. It happened at my house once too. The geniuses at Persimmon homes didn't attach our house to the sewerage line. They just ended the pipe and didn't connect it to anything else. There's nothing quite like being awoken on a sunday morning by a geyser of 3 month old sewerage emerging from your lawn.

    Friday, 28-Oct-11 08:04:06 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @ceruleanspark Okay, I'm getting sick thinking about that. D:

      Friday, 28-Oct-11 08:06:10 UTC from web
      1. @pinhooves And, like something out of a bad movie, that was the day my grandparents were coming to visit.

        Friday, 28-Oct-11 08:07:50 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    2. @ceruleanspark I take it there was a complaint filed after that? I would say it was "crappy service" but that's edging too close to a horrible pun, and I had sub consciously typed that as an honest reply at first. ^^; Still, hope it doesn't take long to be fixed.

      Friday, 28-Oct-11 08:08:47 UTC from web
      1. @leonkfox It was a brand new house, so yes, complaints were filed. Complaints were filed and it was all fixed up free of charge. (Well, free except for having to witness mount sh*tsuvius errupting from my front lawn)

        Friday, 28-Oct-11 08:10:50 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @ceruleanspark Mount shitsuvius!?!? Oh god you make me laugh!

          Friday, 28-Oct-11 08:12:48 UTC from web
        2. @ceruleanspark ...who crawled through a river of apples and came out clean on the other side..

          Friday, 28-Oct-11 08:13:54 UTC from web
          1. @purplephish20 Is that a Shawshank Redemption reference?

            Friday, 28-Oct-11 08:14:51 UTC from web
            1. @flaxx One of the best damn movies I've ever seen

              Friday, 28-Oct-11 08:15:31 UTC from web
        3. @ceruleanspark Glad to hear you got it fixed free of charge, and rightfully so too! Must say though, the way you word some things does amuse me perhaps a little bit more than it shoukd, i.e Mount murdockivus XD

          Friday, 28-Oct-11 08:18:23 UTC from MuSTArDroid