

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @shalabajza Ohai, just chilling. I probably have to go soon, though. You?

      Sunday, 30-Oct-11 15:03:40 UTC from web
    2. @shalabajza Really? :O Awesome, dude! You liking it? And yeah, in the Census & Excise Office (first house you enter) you can take pretty much everything and sell it. 8D

      Sunday, 30-Oct-11 15:07:21 UTC from web
    3. @shalabajza Awesome! Glad you like it! And eh, you'll get used to the graphics. :P Also, Tarhiel (the guy who fell from the sky) is a Bosmer (Wood Elf), and you should hang on to those Scrolls of Icarian Flight he had on him. They make you jump /really/ high, but you'll die when you land. So be careful. :P

      Sunday, 30-Oct-11 15:24:06 UTC from web
    4. @shalabajza Yeah, I'd recommend making a quick save (F5) at least every 5 minutes. It overwrites the previous one, so don't worry about filling up your computer with saves. :P Also, a proper save before going into a dungeon might also be a good idea.

      Sunday, 30-Oct-11 15:29:12 UTC from web
      1. @flaxx Flaxxy ^^ I must be tired because, I've not !snuggle you yet. ;)

        Sunday, 30-Oct-11 15:31:59 UTC from web
        1. @jinny Why hello there, Jin. 'Sup? *Snuggle*

          Sunday, 30-Oct-11 15:34:39 UTC from web
          1. @flaxx Nothing much Flaxxy hehe. Just missed you a bit. ;) Cooking some pancakes atm. :3 Yum~

            Sunday, 30-Oct-11 15:37:20 UTC from web
            1. @jinny But we talked only a few hours ago! Okay, it's been more than 12 hours. I guess I slept for a while. >.> Aaanyway, I'm jelly of those pancakes. And currently I'm just fiddling with the guitar and chatting here. ^_^

              Sunday, 30-Oct-11 15:43:28 UTC from web
              1. @flaxx Awww...hehe !snuggles wish I could share them with you Flaxxy. ^^ Sounds like fun dear, how are the guitars these days. ;) I know you're a great player. ^^

                Sunday, 30-Oct-11 15:46:02 UTC from web
                1. @jinny Heh, that'd be awesome. 8D And eh, it's going pretty good. Just practicing chords and such. And nah, I can only play a few chords and intros. Nothing special.

                  Sunday, 30-Oct-11 15:48:31 UTC from web
                2. @jinny Heh, that'd be awesome. 8D And eh, it's going pretty good. Just practicing chords and such. And nah, I can only play a few chords and 'intros. Nothing special.

                  Sunday, 30-Oct-11 15:48:33 UTC from web
                  1. @flaxx Awww...!snuggles don't worry Flaxxy, soon you'll be a guitar god like my friend Richie. ^^

                    Sunday, 30-Oct-11 15:54:00 UTC from web
                    1. @jinny Heh, perhaps. I doubt it, though. I don't play enough to get very good. :P

                      Sunday, 30-Oct-11 15:55:22 UTC from web
                      1. @flaxx Nonsense Flaxxy hehe, I have 100% faith in you. !huggles

                        Sunday, 30-Oct-11 15:59:06 UTC from web
                        1. @jinny I know you do. Thanks. !hug

                          Sunday, 30-Oct-11 16:00:10 UTC from web
          2. @flaxx How are you today Flaxxy? ^^

            Sunday, 30-Oct-11 15:37:42 UTC from web
    5. @shalabajza Yeah, it's almost the middle of the day. Might have to go any second, so it's kinda pointless. I'll be online tonight, though! And then I'll explain why I didn't get online again yesterday!

      Sunday, 30-Oct-11 15:34:22 UTC from web
    6. @shalabajza Sweet! Oh, and what race and class are you? And just ask me if you need help with anything. :3

      Sunday, 30-Oct-11 15:45:19 UTC from web
    7. @shalabajza Redguard? Nice. I guess you're playing some kind of meelee fighter then?

      Sunday, 30-Oct-11 15:59:30 UTC from web
    8. @shalabajza Haha, nice, dude. It's some kind of Iron Sparksword or something, right? Also, he's not a dwarf. There are no dwarfs (or Dwemer, as they're known in Tamriel) in Vvardenfell anymore. They're all gone. Except for one, but he's got Corprus.

      Sunday, 30-Oct-11 16:05:41 UTC from web