

  1. It's lunchtime, and I'm not having lunch. (sorta) How are we all?

    Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:17:45 UTC from web
    1. @lightningcrash CRASHY! !huggles I've missed you dear. ^^

      Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:20:04 UTC from web
      1. @jinny Hey!! I had to RP with other ponies while you were gone! I met Rainbow Dash over there. How you been?

        Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:21:58 UTC from web
        1. @lightningcrash I've been good dear. ^^ How was work and the rest of your weekend. ;) I hope you weren't having too much fun with the other mares. :3

          Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:26:00 UTC from web
          1. @jinny Lol, work was fine. As to flirting, there was none of that from me. I wasn't quite in the mood for being a mare's stallion.

            Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:27:57 UTC from web
            1. @lightningcrash !snuggles Aww...I'm sorry dear, please forgive my upbeat and perky disposition. Are you feeling ok. I'm here for you if you need me. I'm always here.

              Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:31:28 UTC from web
              1. @jinny It's okay. I'm alright now that it's over. She really is gone though... it was real, I know that for sure now. My Brilliant Bolt will hurt no more and can rest in peace.

                Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:33:13 UTC from web
                1. @lightningcrash Oh my my poor dear. My heart just broke. I'm so sorry I said those terrible things about her then. T_T Yes, may she rest easy now. I'm here for you.

                  Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:36:33 UTC from web
                  1. @jinny It's okay. And don't let your heart break because of me. I'm doin just fine. So whatcha been up to this weekend?

                    Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:37:53 UTC from web
                    1. @lightningcrash Yes, dear, but I just can't help it. T_T My weekend was ok dear, wish I would have chatted you up a bit though. ;) Pretty uneventful, but I did manage to finally finish Cerulean's maid picture. ^^

                      Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:40:38 UTC from web
                      1. @jinny Nice. You posted it yet? Cuz I haven't seen it... I just led a pretty boring weekend too. There were some... "issues" with a lot of the ponies here not wanting people to bring their RL "drama" onto RDN. It was mostly directed @fluttershy321 and @zach121k and their current situation. But I decided to duck out and RP my problems out... got my help over there with no complaint from anypony.

                        Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:43:39 UTC from web
                        1. @lightningcrash It was not about discussing their problems, but talking about something and then raging at the responses.

                          Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:45:04 UTC from web
                          1. @sirnerthosthemanlyman If you say so. It's not how I interpreted it, but everyone can view it in their own way.

                            Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:45:53 UTC from web
                            1. @lightningcrash I was chatting with carcino via pesterchum while the drama was here. fluttershy321 raged at some comments from grimauxiliatrix and colfax as far as i remember.

                              Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:48:02 UTC from web
                              1. @sirnerthosthemanlyman I suggested they take it private to avoid the abuse that was heading their way, in return I got screamed at to shut up, at that point my patience evaporated.

                                Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:49:56 UTC from web
                                1. @colfax Awww...that was uncalled for. I always welcome your advice and feedback.

                                  Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:51:07 UTC from web
                                2. @colfax Please tell me you silenced/banned any and all participants?

                                  Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:51:11 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                  1. @ceruleanspark mrdragon was too "kind" so they're still here.

                                    Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:52:02 UTC from web
                                    1. @sirnerthosthemanlyman Well, much as I'd like to light one in particular of them on fire, I trust MrDragon's judgement on the matter.

                                      Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:53:15 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                      1. @ceruleanspark The problem about that is that mrdragon has personal experiences from friends related to the issue, so he's a bit... partial in that especific matter.

                                        Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:54:33 UTC from web
                                        1. @sirnerthosthemanlyman MrDragon is smart enough not to let his personal feelings on the matter intrude, I think.

                                          Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:56:05 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                          1. @ceruleanspark that's the conversation, or at least a big part of it. I think he has a good judgement, but he needs a tighter hand on matters.

                                            Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:04:02 UTC from web
                                  2. @ceruleanspark No, didn't you know that mods aren't supposed to moderate,otherwise everyone gets their panties all wadded up.

                                    Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:52:34 UTC from web
                                    1. @colfax I do not of their least, would be mourned.

                                      Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:54:00 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                  3. @ceruleanspark I missed a dramatic explosion, sounds like. Ponies got banned?

                                    Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:54:49 UTC from web
                                    1. @drewdle Apparently not. But if you want to pull the trigger on a user who's name rhymes with buttershy321 I'm not convinced many people would be overly concerned.

                                      Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:56:50 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                      1. @ceruleanspark If it happens again I wont be as patient, one warning and then the sandbox.

                                        Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:57:42 UTC from web
                                      2. @ceruleanspark Is there a tool for moving conversations private? I'd worry that a pony that goes unnamed would take it pretty hard if said other pony were to disappear.

                                        Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:03:42 UTC from web
                                        1. @drewdle There would be several ponies that would take it hard. Just saying.

                                          Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:04:22 UTC from web
                                          1. @lightningcrash Yeah. That's what I'm thinking. We're pretty close knit here.

                                            Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:05:51 UTC from web
                                3. @colfax Yeah. Something everypony should consider of discussing their personal lives and problems at a public place is that people can take it either good or bad, and they can't whine about it.

                                  Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:51:30 UTC from web
                        2. @lightningcrash I think it was more because @fluttershy321 seemed to be raging at the folks trying to be supportive.

                          Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:45:17 UTC from web
                          1. @colfax Well, as I'd had the issue before, she was emotionally unstable. Sometimes, she needs to take it out on people. Friends need to be there for them, and taking the heat and forgiving them afterwards can be a good way to help.

                            Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:47:32 UTC from web
                        3. @lightningcrash Aww...poor thing, now I feel bad because I couldn't spice up your weekend. ;) Yes it seems that Zachy and Flutterlove are always having some kind of problem, the poor dears. T_T

                          Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:46:00 UTC from web
                          1. @jinny It's alright. You can "spice my life up" tomorrow.

                            Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:53:09 UTC from web
                            1. @lightningcrash Oooh, that sounds lovely dear. ;) Jinny the spice of life. :3

                              Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:53:49 UTC from web
                              1. @jinny Lol. Assuming some other pony doesn't get to me first. ;)

                                Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:55:06 UTC from web
                                1. @lightningcrash Oooh I see hehe, you have some other mare in mind? ;)

                                  Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:58:14 UTC from web
                                  1. @jinny Maybe. You'll just have to wonder at that. :3

                                    Monday, 31-Oct-11 15:59:11 UTC from web
                                    1. @lightningcrash You sly stallion, always making the mares jealous. ;)

                                      Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:01:08 UTC from web
                                      1. @jinny Ah, but how else am I supposed to draw them in? I show my valor and passion as well. Gotta keep it interesting somehow, right? E:

                                        Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:02:37 UTC from web
                                        1. @lightningcrash Oh I see how it is, one mare really isn't enough. ;) Here I thought I was special. :P

                                          Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:04:42 UTC from web
                                          1. @jinny I never said that!! Look at you trying to be sly and twisting my words back on me. I'm just exploring my options, making sure you are the best mare. ;)

                                            Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:06:47 UTC from web
                                            1. @lightningcrash Oh I see hehe, making sure I'm the best mare, hehe. I'm willing to share you if that's what you're getting at. ;)

                                              Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:08:35 UTC from web
                                              1. @jinny I have no endgame. It keeps the excitement of surprise in life. I'm not getting at anything really. Just responding to what you say and seeing where it goes from there. ;)

                                                Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:09:46 UTC from web
                                                1. @lightningcrash Hehe it's fine dear. ^^ I just like to keep you on your toes, as you do me. ^^

                                                  Monday, 31-Oct-11 16:10:59 UTC from web