

  1. wow i disappear for 5 min and all dis happens

    Friday, 04-Nov-11 01:19:23 UTC from web
    1. @thebrilliantspy I know right

      Friday, 04-Nov-11 01:21:02 UTC from web
      1. @macpony55 that seems to be the thing about this episode

        Friday, 04-Nov-11 01:23:34 UTC from web
        1. @thebrilliantspy so it does

          Friday, 04-Nov-11 01:26:14 UTC from web
          1. @macpony55 damnit! god this day....

            Friday, 04-Nov-11 01:27:41 UTC from web
            1. @thebrilliantspy 什么?

              Friday, 04-Nov-11 01:28:51 UTC from web
              1. @macpony55 Great now im going insane for the 3rd time....

                Friday, 04-Nov-11 01:29:59 UTC from web
                1. @thebrilliantspy 很好。

                  Friday, 04-Nov-11 01:31:25 UTC from web
                  1. @macpony55 And stop doing that!

                    Friday, 04-Nov-11 01:33:55 UTC from web
                    1. @thebrilliantspy doing what? 这????

                      Friday, 04-Nov-11 01:35:48 UTC from web