

  1. !vancouverbronies ok guys and gals I assume we wanna play a couple games well if we wanna reserve a time slot we will need to contact ahead of time and if we have a huge group I may need to book a time and that will cost money and it will cost a couple hundred if we will have many people so I need a taly I need to know how many people are showing up and I would like to have a kinda meet too get some of the money together to pay them (( damn you real world and real world monitary needs))

    Friday, 04-Nov-11 02:19:38 UTC from web
    1. @echron1000 !vancouverbronies Well, I'll admit I don't know much about how Planet Lazer works, but theoretically, couldn't we do what we did with bowling and have everypony who's going to play pay for themselves? It was around, what... 20 dollars per 3 games for each person, 8 dollars for one game? Just a thought...

      Friday, 04-Nov-11 03:06:13 UTC from web
      1. @thunderdash !vancouverbronies However, we'll want to have it rented out in advance, we'll need to know how many people will be attending because we might use up all their equipment at once or something. I don't know how many people can play at once but I think it's like 30-40. We could totally get a group rate, too, but to do that there'll need to be a downpayment.

        Friday, 04-Nov-11 03:18:51 UTC from web
        1. @bronymike Mmm. Good point, I didn't think about that.

          Friday, 04-Nov-11 03:24:20 UTC from web
        2. !vancouverbronies @bronymike we would be using up just over 50percent of their capacity if wee book them up ((max is 44)) and to rent three games at 44 is like 460 some odd dollars

          Friday, 04-Nov-11 06:36:37 UTC from web
    2. @echron1000 I'm interested.

      Saturday, 05-Nov-11 01:56:00 UTC from web