

  1. #

    Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:02:52 UTC from StatusNet Android
    1. @carcino Yes dear? How are you today? :3

      Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:05:42 UTC from web
      1. @jinny whacha up to?

        Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:10:36 UTC from web
        1. @metal Nothing too much dear. ^^ Just working, but feeling a bit sleepy. T_T

          Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:11:08 UTC from web
        2. @metal How about you?

          Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:11:16 UTC from web
          1. @jinny nothing just layin in my bed doin stuff

            Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:12:06 UTC from web
            1. @metal Ah sounds great hehe. ^^ What kinda stuff, or do I not want to know?

              Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:14:57 UTC from web
              1. @jinny reading stuff on IGN and such

                Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:16:35 UTC from web
                1. @metal Ah great dear. Just IGN. :3 @zach121k The usual dear. ^^ Just working.

                  Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:18:49 UTC from web
                  1. @jinny yay?

                    Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:29:08 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                    1. @zach121k hey zach

                      Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:30:43 UTC from web
                      1. @metal hello

                        Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:33:16 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                        1. @zach121k :P

                          Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:35:00 UTC from web
                          1. @metal :P

                            Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:36:38 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                    2. @zach121k It's ok Zachy. Not yay...worthy...but # worthy. :3

                      Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:31:45 UTC from web
                      1. @jinny oh wells

                        Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:33:26 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                  2. @jinny

                    Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:40:27 UTC from web
                    1. @metal I'm buying a stairway to heaven. :3

                      Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:42:08 UTC from web
                      1. @jinny such a good song

                        Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:43:41 UTC from web
                        1. @metal @jinny I can play that on my cello!! ^.^

                          Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:47:39 UTC from web
                          1. @lightningcrash holy crap dude that's awesome :D

                            Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:48:10 UTC from web
                          2. @lightningcrash Hehe, that's so handsome. ^^

                            Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:48:10 UTC from web
                            1. @jinny @metal You know Mark Wood? The guy who leads the Trans-Siberian Orchestra? I got a solo in "Stairway to Heaven" with him!! It was so cool! Especially since it was in front of several hundred people!

                              Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:50:41 UTC from web
                              1. @lightningcrash OMG dear! I didn't know I was psuedo-romantically involved with such a famous pony. :3

                                Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:52:07 UTC from web
                                1. @jinny Famous? Not quite. It was at a school concert thing. I've been trying to find the youtube video, but no luck so far. The thing that really irks me is that in the video they made of the concert, I was the ONLY person who was blocked out by a freaking amplifier. I WAS SO doleED.

                                  Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:53:55 UTC from web
                                  1. @lightningcrash I think you're famous dear. T_T Sorry though that you were blocked. That's a very annoying coincidence.

                                    Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:54:47 UTC from web
                              2. @lightningcrash that's awesome dude

                                Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:52:27 UTC from web
                    2. @metal is it legend of mana? i cant watch videos here

                      Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:50:26 UTC from web
                      1. @mushi It's the song Stairway to Heaven with some hand drawing on the video. ^^

                        Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:51:00 UTC from web
                        1. @jinny oh tha is it, legend of mana's background are hand drawings and ther is one that looks like this one

                          Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:52:12 UTC from web
                          1. @mushi Ah ok hehe. ^^ Yes hehe I thought it looked similar too when I first saw the video preview. ^^

                            Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:52:57 UTC from web
                      2. @mushi its led zeppelin

                        Friday, 04-Nov-11 14:52:49 UTC from web