

  1. The new episode gave me the warm fuzzies hardcore. Celestia bless MLP:FiM.

    Saturday, 05-Nov-11 20:05:01 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    1. @quetzalcoatl It gave your hard core the warm fuzies? #

      Saturday, 05-Nov-11 20:05:57 UTC from web
      1. @theonepony what are you implying implications of?

        Saturday, 05-Nov-11 20:06:54 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @quetzalcoatl Nothing. I will pretend it never happened and be reminded of it later on in an action scene in which I become the 'werecerulean'.

          Saturday, 05-Nov-11 20:08:17 UTC from web
      2. @theonepony Is that so bad? I'm kind of a big deal

        Saturday, 05-Nov-11 20:08:47 UTC from web
        1. @ceruleanspark Don't even.

          Saturday, 05-Nov-11 20:09:59 UTC from web
          1. @theonepony What? I am a big deal.

            Saturday, 05-Nov-11 20:12:48 UTC from web
            1. @ceruleanspark No more dick jokes. I don't think I can handle that many at once. #

              Saturday, 05-Nov-11 20:14:16 UTC from web
              1. @theonepony I am the knight of dicks. I can handle all of them. Wait until you see my weapon.

                Saturday, 05-Nov-11 20:15:37 UTC from web
                1. @ceruleanspark Like there isn't enough Homestuck smut. And your weapon is an umbrella.

                  Saturday, 05-Nov-11 20:16:45 UTC from web
                  1. @theonepony One of my weapons is an umbrella.

                    Saturday, 05-Nov-11 20:17:50 UTC from web
                    1. @ceruleanspark You're an umbrella.

                      Saturday, 05-Nov-11 20:18:37 UTC from web
                    2. @ceruleanspark I'd rather you only use that one when around me. If you do, I'll even make and effort to learn how to use my Mackind card.

                      Saturday, 05-Nov-11 20:18:50 UTC from web
    2. @quetzalcoatl I agree; it currently stands as my favourite S2 ep (largely because of my own little sister lol)

      Saturday, 05-Nov-11 20:07:59 UTC from web
      1. @tenmihara sewer

        Saturday, 05-Nov-11 20:08:28 UTC from StatusNet iPhone