

  1. Man you guys are gonna be so butthurt when Scootaloo has a happy and satisfying homelife and turns out not to be an orphan at all

    Monday, 07-Nov-11 09:17:50 UTC from TTYtter
    1. @ceruleanspark Actually I prefer that she have a happy home life.

      Monday, 07-Nov-11 09:19:54 UTC from web
      1. @stormyhugeheart People round here get so petulant and mad that hasbro doesn't respect the little fantasy universe they've created, there will be a "Scootaloo should be miserable" campagin within minutes of it being confirmed.

        Monday, 07-Nov-11 09:21:12 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @ceruleanspark Yes I have seen many comic and threads dedicated to that. I'm not really into it. I like the scootaloo wanting to be rainbowdash. (Example) The banner brings a grin to my face

          Monday, 07-Nov-11 09:29:10 UTC from web
          1. @stormyhugeheart You can have hero worship and still be a healthy happy person. Nothing wrong with having idols. It's the fact that the fanbase has inexplicably equated it with her having no/abusive parents that annoys me.

            Monday, 07-Nov-11 09:30:06 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
            1. @ceruleanspark Well the only thing I give them is that they took so much out of so little of information. Creating whole comics, fan fiction and pictures based on such little information. Though I don't agree. Anyway scootabuse is bad and all is well.

              Monday, 07-Nov-11 09:36:20 UTC from web
    2. @ceruleanspark I'd enjoy a happy home life Scootaloo. I can imagine her having an older sister want complex or something though.

      Monday, 07-Nov-11 09:27:20 UTC from web