

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @ponydude2143 Want an aspirin

      Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:17:57 UTC from web
    2. @ponydude2143 >kindle.....Lolwut?

      Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:17:57 UTC from web
    3. @ponydude2143 Which Kindle?

      Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:18:08 UTC from web
    4. @ponydude2143 I ask because it runs like absolute balls on my 3g-3G one.

      Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:18:36 UTC from web
    5. @ponydude2143 My friend has one of those. I might have to give the browser a try on it. I really like the design of the 4. It's really compact and neat.

      Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:23:17 UTC from web
    6. @ponydude2143 The biggest flaw that keeps me from upgrading is the loss of the AWESOME TTS function in the Gen 3. Being able to jack my kindle into my cars aux and have it read books to me while I drive is SUPER AWESOME.

      Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:30:43 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark It can do that?

        Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:31:28 UTC from web
        1. @zach121k The keyboarded models can. They can narrate any ebook on the device (so long as it isn't a PDF) to you. The voice is obviously a synthesised voice, but it's eminently listenable.

          Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:33:47 UTC from web
          1. @ceruleanspark That's awesome

            Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:34:08 UTC from web
            1. @zach121k It really is. It even turns the pages in the ebook so that if I decide to carry on reading for myself when I arrive wherever, the book is in the right place.

              Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:36:13 UTC from web
              1. @ceruleanspark That is probably great for trips or traffic jams

                Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:36:58 UTC from web
                1. @zach121k What it's best for is when I'm reading something really great at breakfast and I don't wanna stop to drive to work.

                  Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:37:39 UTC from web
                  1. @ceruleanspark Then why not have it read to you. I love Audio books. I listen to them when I swing sometimes

                    Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:38:29 UTC from web
                    1. @zach121k I listen to a lot of audiobooks at work, since I'm allowed an MP3 Player at my desk. Audiobooks. Podcasts. Pony Episodes with the video-chopped out.

                      Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:40:03 UTC from web
                      1. @ceruleanspark audio only episodes, I can dig

                        Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:43:01 UTC from web
    7. @ponydude2143 The keyboard-kindle is the K3.

      Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:35:27 UTC from web
    8. @ponydude2143 They didn't upgrade it at all. It's really weird. I guess they're just trying to dump the stock to phase it out.

      Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:38:05 UTC from web