

  1. Jesus Christ the doctors being cuffed now, saying he may be a danger to the public. HOW THE HAY COULD HE BE A DANGER TO THE PUBLIC?????

    Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:40:31 UTC from web
    1. @purplephish20 Because people wont accept MJ is a drug addicted assfaced *blocked due to explicit content*

      Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:43:23 UTC from web
      1. @thebrilliantspy You REALLY hate Michael don't you

        Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:44:16 UTC from web
        1. @zach121k Not a fan. Not a complete hater just...i dont know, you ever seen something and just HATED it for no reason? Its like that.

          Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:45:14 UTC from web
          1. @thebrilliantspy Yea... Been there

            Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:46:04 UTC from web
            1. @zach121k I can believe that

              Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:47:36 UTC from web
      2. @thebrilliantspy True, but even if he was asking for it himself, the amount of drugs that doctor was pumping into him probably does constitute murder, because it only makes sense that it would kill him, even more so to a qualified doctor

        Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:45:46 UTC from web
        1. @purplephish20 Maybe. Why did he need the meds anyways?

          Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:47:26 UTC from web
          1. @thebrilliantspy Now all the asshats outside the courthouse can go back to obsessing over the new glittery vampire movie.

            Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:50:06 UTC from web
            1. @colfax Or their awkward teen wizard with a head wound movies. OR their teen mangoes who FINALLY HIT PUBERTY music BS

              Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:52:11 UTC from web
              1. @thebrilliantspy You know thew part I really like? A bunch of middle aged women lust after a what's his face in the glitter-vamp movies and that's ok, bunch of guys like a certain cartoon and they're freaks and pedophiles.

                Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:56:42 UTC from web
                1. @colfax is just great. Or a bunch of people like a creepy sponge on drugs that lifes in the ocean with his gay partner starfish (its actually been announced that that is true) and thats cool, but people like a show about friends and stuff and thats bad.

                  Monday, 07-Nov-11 21:59:09 UTC from web