

  1. I can't decide if Luna or Rainbow Dash should occupy the bottom of my Blue Pony tierlist.

    Tuesday, 15-Nov-11 07:23:50 UTC from web
    1. @abigpony Most of the fanbase doesn't even like Luna. They like some other pony with the same name who exists solely in fanfiction and their imagination.

      Tuesday, 15-Nov-11 07:25:14 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark I like the fanfiction version of luna so much better than the canon q.q

        Tuesday, 15-Nov-11 07:25:59 UTC from web
      2. @ceruleanspark Or rather, the fanon ~ Doesn't have to be from fictions, some images have really portrayed the character.

        Tuesday, 15-Nov-11 07:26:27 UTC from web
      3. @ceruleanspark While I have nothing against fanfiction etc (even if I don't write or read it myself) something that really annoyed me was when people complained left right and center about Luna's character, based on either a SINGLE line of dialogue from dialogue from Season 1, fanfiction, or both. Not liking the episode wasn't my issue (as much as I enjoyed it) it was the sheer STUPIDITY of the reasoning that bothered me at the time.

        Tuesday, 15-Nov-11 12:07:57 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        1. @leonkfox Yeah. That's the same issue I had (I watched it with Scoot and Pawnheart) and we all said the same. We liked the Luna we saw, without having to compare her to Fanfiction Luna or whatever.

          Tuesday, 15-Nov-11 12:09:23 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          1. @ceruleanspark Did you all meet up IRL, or was it with a stream? But to the point at hand, I really liked Luna a lot, moreso than Celestia by a considerable amount actually, but I never had any pre concieved image of her due to my not reading fanfiction etc and I'm glad for it, I was able to actually enjoy the episode.

            Tuesday, 15-Nov-11 12:24:45 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            1. @leonkfox We met IRL. I met Gherkin last week, and Scoot the week before. Me Scoot and Pawnheart are likely to meet again this week.

              Tuesday, 15-Nov-11 12:25:39 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              1. @ceruleanspark Cool. Sounds like fun, I've not watched an episode with someone else as of yet, be it online or IRL.

                Tuesday, 15-Nov-11 12:28:23 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                1. @leonkfox It's a lot of fun. Fun, doubled, etc.

                  Tuesday, 15-Nov-11 12:30:39 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                  1. @ceruleanspark I can only imagine.

                    Tuesday, 15-Nov-11 12:32:13 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    2. @ceruleanspark But they're the two best ponies!

      Tuesday, 15-Nov-11 07:28:23 UTC from web
    3. @abigpony Yeah well like, that's just my opinion man.

      Tuesday, 15-Nov-11 07:30:09 UTC from web