

  1. @gloompace You're a bit late, that already happened a few months ago. Eternal night and all.

    Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 16:44:11 UTC from web
    1. @moonprincess yeah, but I can always do it again. :D

      Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 17:02:50 UTC from web
      1. @gloompace I wouldn't try it. I got trapped in the moon for 1000 years last time.

        Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 17:17:02 UTC from web
        1. @moonprincess I'm not going to do anything that extreme. ... maybe.

          Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 17:18:05 UTC from web
          1. @gloompace You know, as co-ruler of Equestria, I am morally and legally obligated to hit you with a frying pan.

            Wednesday, 06-Apr-11 17:37:27 UTC from web