

  1. @Echron1000 !Vancouverbronies So...IS anything happening on Sunday? It's getting close to the date and I'd like to know if I'm going on the ferries on the weekend if at all possible. @tigerdusk @andranator2 Any date ideas? I need to know when this is happening before December 1st if at all possible because of stream planning. The target date for the stream is Sunday December 11th, so the sooner I can confirm that a meetup happens or not on that specific date, the better.

    Thursday, 24-Nov-11 00:47:37 UTC from web
    1. @garyoak !vancouverbronies @andranator2 well the best idea would be to ask andronator2 since it's their house. This is only if your comfortable with having this many people at your place Andronator2.

      Thursday, 24-Nov-11 00:59:52 UTC from web
      1. @tigerdusk !vancouverbronies i'm in negotiations with my father. If we go to my house we would have to be in the backyard which is very big but unfortunately there just isn't enough space inside my house for all of us. So provided the weather is nice we could have a great time. I will know if we can do this later in the evening but I have to wait until my dad has dinner before I can get an answer.

        Thursday, 24-Nov-11 01:48:26 UTC from web
    2. @garyoak I know that redtie is setting up a drinking thing if people had the day booked off already

      Thursday, 24-Nov-11 08:37:51 UTC from web
      1. @echron1000 Ah, so no laser tag but extra drinking?! I can live with that. !vancouverbroies @redtie Sir, is this true? Drinking escapades on the 27th? If so, can I have a time/place (pref. Skytrain stop)? <3

        Thursday, 24-Nov-11 08:55:30 UTC from web
        1. @garyoak !vancouverbronies yes. How about we start boozing at 5 or 6 the game can go really long. Any one else down for the mlp drinking is magic card game should dm me!

          Friday, 25-Nov-11 04:47:01 UTC from web
          1. @redtie CHAPTER 43! OMG! NO WORDS!

            Friday, 25-Nov-11 04:59:46 UTC from web
          2. @redtie hay so for sunday where are you planning on hosting this "drinking escapade" lol. I know that me and a friend would like to join u guys on this, that is if you don't mind 2 (responsible) 18 year olds joining you, and thats in a place where we can get in to. msg me with u'r thoughts

            Friday, 25-Nov-11 05:29:11 UTC from web
            1. @maxig it will be my apartment less than a block from metrotown skytrain station. had a brony drinking party there before so volume and neighbors aren't an issue. You will LOVE this card game.

              Friday, 25-Nov-11 07:11:50 UTC from web
          3. @redtie !vancouverbronies When/where should we meet? For me personally, a Skytrain stop works best. As for time, if I take the 8:30 ferry I can get there by 11ish, depending on which Skytrain I need to arrive at.

            Friday, 25-Nov-11 06:47:44 UTC from web
            1. @garyoak freaking garyoak

              Friday, 25-Nov-11 06:49:47 UTC from web
              1. @madflavors Who lives in the same Province as I. >:3

                Friday, 25-Nov-11 06:50:13 UTC from web
            2. @garyoak how about we strive to meet up at noon?

              Friday, 25-Nov-11 07:12:21 UTC from web
              1. @redtie Noon's easy; I'll be there like 45 minutes early. Which Skytrain stop? Holdom again?

                Friday, 25-Nov-11 07:33:33 UTC from web
                1. @garyoak metrotown works for me. its close to my place and a nice pub to.

                  Friday, 25-Nov-11 08:00:58 UTC from web
                  1. @redtie See you there man! *brohoof*

                    Friday, 25-Nov-11 08:02:04 UTC from web
                  2. @redtie Lemme know when you finish chapter 4. You can DM me with input if you wish, or we can discuss it here w/e

                    Friday, 25-Nov-11 08:06:43 UTC from web
                  3. @redtie Is there any specific landmark we should meet at, or should we just mill around and hope to find other bronies by spotting their shirts?

                    Saturday, 26-Nov-11 00:50:32 UTC from web
                    1. @garyoak outside the mall close to the station is a fountain with two large metal dolphins. let's meet there.

                      Saturday, 26-Nov-11 02:07:17 UTC from web