

  1. Guess I'll have to repeat this every once in a while till tinker gets it on the list. When a new episode is aired on the Hub we have a 48 hour NO spoiler rule. Discussion of new episodes can be done with ROT13 coding and must be tagged # If you wish to do this on RDN please download the userscript RDN Refresh from Unencoded or untagged spoilers will be removed from the timeline.

    Saturday, 26-Nov-11 16:50:00 UTC from web
    1. @colfax Unf gb or gnttrq # nf jryy?

      Saturday, 26-Nov-11 16:53:05 UTC from web
      1. @musicssound Yeah, tagged and encoded.

        Saturday, 26-Nov-11 16:55:14 UTC from web
        1. @colfax My last one was hidden anyway? Even though it was tagged and encoded? Do I need to turn on a setting?

          Saturday, 26-Nov-11 16:56:01 UTC from web
          1. @musicssound If people are using the script to hide spoilers they wont see them anyway, the encoding is mainly for those unable to run the script.

            Saturday, 26-Nov-11 16:57:41 UTC from web
            1. @colfax Cool. I would have put "Hide Spoilers" as an opt-in option, but it's fine.

              Saturday, 26-Nov-11 16:58:46 UTC from web
              1. @musicssound You'd have to take that up with @haganbmj.

                Saturday, 26-Nov-11 17:00:03 UTC from web
                1. @colfax Don't care enough to. Now that I look at it, those last few script updates put quite a few more options in. Good work on his part.

                  Saturday, 26-Nov-11 17:01:13 UTC from web
                  1. @musicssound I just wish he'd get around to adding the text highlighting I want.

                    Saturday, 26-Nov-11 17:01:54 UTC from web
                    1. @colfax Oh you :P ~ I've been home this past week for Thanksgiving break, I'll try and get on that highlighting when I'm back at school. Working on a way to approach it that doesn't completely make the page disgusting (on the backend at least).

                      Saturday, 26-Nov-11 23:13:42 UTC from web
        2. @colfax Oh, nevermind. It was a RDN feature that I hadn't noticed. I'm good now.

          Saturday, 26-Nov-11 16:56:50 UTC from web
          1. @musicssound *RDN Refresh, that is.

            Saturday, 26-Nov-11 16:57:30 UTC from web