

  1. Dude, since Thursday, i have welcomed 3 new members to the herd. It started when I went to visit my Grampa Bill(70) his wife Diane(48), and my Aunt Mary(22). I noticed a MLP coloring book lying under some stuff, I asked Diane what was up with that, she said that she didnt know where she got it. It was a sign from Buddha. I told them of the triumphs and glory of The Faust, and that day they all welcomed ponies into their lives. We watched party of one. Bill, Diane, and Mary LOVED the show. I educated them on the herd, and showed them EQ Daily. I checked back in with them today, since then they have seen every episode, and even started reading fan fiction.

    Saturday, 26-Nov-11 22:55:36 UTC from web