

  1. So how does the spoiler jibberish thing work? Do you do like a special hash tag or what?

    Saturday, 03-Dec-11 16:01:35 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    1. @quetzalcoatl !rdnrefresh has the de/encoder built in.

      Saturday, 03-Dec-11 16:02:50 UTC from web
      1. @colfax I know I'm going to get beaten for this, but iPhone instructions? Or no?

        Saturday, 03-Dec-11 16:04:56 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @quetzalcoatl Nope, it's ROT13 if that helps.

          Saturday, 03-Dec-11 16:05:42 UTC from web
        2. @quetzalcoatl If it helps, ROT13 is very popular with the geocaching set. So, if you can't find a ROT13 app that can be cut and paste into easily just by looking for ROT13, try checking out the geocaching apps. (It's how I was able to find a decoder for my HP Touchpad, of all things, and there's an easy ROT13 app for Android, so there's got to be SOMETHING for iOS.) And, if all else fails, you can pull up on your browser.

          Saturday, 03-Dec-11 18:39:50 UTC from web