

  1. @darkcore @mysteriousstranger He looked at him confused at first. ... Untill his eyes grew red and he growled at darkcore.

    Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 00:24:27 UTC from web
    1. @digitalinsanity *Telepathic Hypno:* Succumb to this raw anger, this unbridled fury. Let it all out and DESTROY!

      Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 00:26:29 UTC from web
      1. @mysteriousstranger He obyed the voice, his mucles tensed, his mind was suddenly clouded in anger and he roared out fire, so all in ponyvile could hear his sudden anger. Then he charged after Dark Core.

        Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 00:28:33 UTC from web
        1. @digitalinsanity Oi, can't have a normal day can I? OH NO I'M BECOMING @fialvert !! *runs away*

          Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 00:30:25 UTC from web
        2. @digitalinsanity *looking at the dragon* ..................

          Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 00:31:23 UTC from web
    2. @digitalinsanity @mysteriousstranger *hears the growling of a dragon and thinks: Oh you're just the worst you know that....*

      Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 00:27:13 UTC from web