

  1. (# OMFG THREE REPLIES AT THE SAME TIME :0) He growled at the pony, until the balloon hits him. He looked at it and ignore the thrower, and the sketch and focus at his target given by MS. He charged toward fialvert and blew fire toward him.

    Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 00:50:58 UTC from web
    1. @digitalinsanity awwww.......... Hmm..... maybe he didn't like it. *walks down the stairs and gets to the Dragon*

      Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 00:54:17 UTC from web
    2. @digitalinsanity *Telepathic Hypno:* Get the crystal and give it to me. Nothing else matters!

      Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 00:54:30 UTC from web
      1. @mysteriousstranger Come on and get it, ya WIMP! I /swear/ to you. I will not attack you. And I never break my promises.

        Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 00:55:29 UTC from web
        1. @fialvert Very well. *Walks over and snatches the crystal*

          Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 00:56:36 UTC from web
          1. @mysteriousstranger Oh. That was Lust. Sorry! And I have another present! *headbutts* That wasn't a hoof.

            Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 00:57:51 UTC from web
            1. @fialvert HOW DO YOU KEEP DOING THAT?! *levitates the Lust crystal back into his bag*

              Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 00:59:29 UTC from web
            2. @fialvert Well... Alright then. *Teleports away with the Lust crystal*

              Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 01:00:39 UTC from web
              1. @mysteriousstranger Too bad it's useless to ya, dumbass.

                Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 01:01:37 UTC from web
                1. @fialvert *Telepathically* Oh, not quite. See, I can use it to reincarnate Lust.

                  Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 01:02:31 UTC from web
                  1. @mysteriousstranger But she exploded. Silly!

                    Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 01:02:59 UTC from web
              2. @mysteriousstranger # too late, it's in DC's bag, and he headbutted you xD

                Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 01:02:49 UTC from web
                1. @darkcore # Although Lust needs more action. PUN NOT INTENDED. So let him do et, whatever.

                  Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 01:05:53 UTC from web
                  1. @fialvert # okie dokie, we'll just say he grabbed it while I was levitating it

                    Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 01:06:37 UTC from web
                2. @darkcore # Stoel it bahk.

                  Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 01:06:11 UTC from web
        2. @fialvert # you said attack

          Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 00:58:17 UTC from web
          1. @onixus # DAMN IT. I...FUUUUUUUUUU. I don't care. Logic was in control.

            Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 00:58:59 UTC from web
    3. @digitalinsanity *Telepathic Hypno:* Leave.

      Wednesday, 27-Apr-11 00:57:41 UTC from web