

  1. If you're curious about me and my art and the other artist I talk with like PixelKittes and Mic the Microphone and ChefSandy look me up @DaisyAzuras and follow me. Other than that I've been freezing my cherries off in the high desert.

    Monday, 12-Dec-11 10:44:55 UTC from web
    1. @daisymare That kinda sounds nice given enough ways to stay warm. I'm still trying to make my room cooler because it still gets stuffy in december.

      Monday, 12-Dec-11 10:48:21 UTC from web
    2. @daisymare High desert is some of the best country there is, n'est pas?

      Monday, 12-Dec-11 10:50:55 UTC from web
      1. @patch it's cold and windy up here. Snow is supposed to come soon.

        Monday, 12-Dec-11 10:55:36 UTC from web
        1. @daisymare Yep. I love that weather. And the spare beauty of the desert has its own serenity.

          Monday, 12-Dec-11 10:59:10 UTC from web