

  1. !thebronyshow Episode 31! How can you contain this much pony! We're talking with Lafter, writer of Through the eyes of another pony and commenting on episode 10. Holy giant godzilla placeholder Circuit Mane! We also have lots of fun talking about fan submissions, news, videos, and whatever pops up into our caffinee charged pony minds! All this live at 6PM PST at http://the​bronyshow.​net. Just click on the bottom-left Livestream button. Also check out the preshow an hour early if you can't wait, and stay afterwards for CrimsontheWolf's Oatmeal Galore afterparty if you can't get enough! (You can tell this was written by Circuit beacause its not funny. -Foxtrot)

    Monday, 12-Dec-11 22:27:37 UTC from web