

  1. @flaxx Hay there! How are you doing? :3

    Monday, 19-Dec-11 00:27:01 UTC from web
    1. @pinhooves Have you played Mario Kart 7 at all? I was looking into seeing if it was worth getting or not

      Monday, 19-Dec-11 00:31:18 UTC from web
      1. @tenmihara I've tried it before, and it's really great! You can get it if you want. :3

        Monday, 19-Dec-11 00:32:07 UTC from web
        1. @pinhooves Did you ever finish Super Mario 3DLand?

          Monday, 19-Dec-11 00:33:33 UTC from web
          1. @tenmihara I don't own the game.

            Monday, 19-Dec-11 00:34:46 UTC from web
            1. @pinhooves @tenmihara i need a 3ds D=

              Monday, 19-Dec-11 00:35:29 UTC from web
              1. @mushi If you're strapped for cash, I suggest waiting till boxing day at least. It's already been marked down 80$ from the initial price, and you might get a deal =O

                Monday, 19-Dec-11 00:38:04 UTC from web
                1. @tenmihara brazil....

                  Monday, 19-Dec-11 00:38:47 UTC from web
                  1. @mushi Oh, right... I'm not sure then <.<

                    Monday, 19-Dec-11 00:45:02 UTC from web
                    1. @tenmihara yep, i'd have to get 800 for a ds

                      Monday, 19-Dec-11 00:48:50 UTC from web
                      1. @mushi 800 what? (not familiar with Brazillian currency)

                        Monday, 19-Dec-11 00:50:03 UTC from web
            2. @pinhooves Oh; my mistake. What do you have for the 3DS right now?

              Monday, 19-Dec-11 00:37:18 UTC from web
              1. @tenmihara I got The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time so far. !3ds

                Monday, 19-Dec-11 00:39:36 UTC from web
                1. @pinhooves Ocarina of Time? NOSTALGIA ATTACK!

                  Monday, 19-Dec-11 00:41:19 UTC from web
                2. @pinhooves Ah yes, forgot you made a group *joins immediately* I recommend Mario 3Dland for sure! Get it asap =D

                  Monday, 19-Dec-11 00:41:19 UTC from web
                  1. @tenmihara I might look into it sometime. I've got other games in mind at the moment.

                    Monday, 19-Dec-11 01:48:42 UTC from web
                    1. @pinhooves Ooh, like what?

                      Monday, 19-Dec-11 01:49:32 UTC from web
                      1. @tenmihara Dead Island for 360 and Mario Kart 7.

                        Monday, 19-Dec-11 01:50:06 UTC from web
                        1. @pinhooves nice. I asked for Skyrim for Christmas, and I'm probably gonna nab MK7 on Boxing day

                          Monday, 19-Dec-11 01:51:48 UTC from web
                        2. @pinhooves Dead Island isn't bad, it's pretty much Borderlands with zombies. Lots of fun with friends while it lasts.

                          Monday, 19-Dec-11 01:52:39 UTC from web
                          1. @fallinwinter I need a non competitive game for my 360, so I can at least use the dang thing.

                            Monday, 19-Dec-11 01:53:15 UTC from web
                            1. @pinhooves As in solo/co-op and not multiplayer vs?

                              Monday, 19-Dec-11 01:54:44 UTC from web
                              1. @fallinwinter Yeah, some Co-op would be nice. :3

                                Monday, 19-Dec-11 01:59:58 UTC from web
                3. @pinhooves That still has to have one of the most sad endings if you read between the lines a bit.

                  Monday, 19-Dec-11 00:48:44 UTC from web