

  1. Actual quote from the SOPA debate in the house of representatives: "Maybe we should ask some actual nerds how this thing is going to work,” --Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah).

    Monday, 19-Dec-11 15:31:51 UTC from web
    1. @colfax That's the most sensible thing I've heard all day. ^_~

      Monday, 19-Dec-11 15:48:03 UTC from web
      1. @jinny No, it's frightening, it means they have, literally, absolutely no idea what they're voting on... how can you make a decision like that without having the tiniest clue as to what the consequences may be?

        Monday, 19-Dec-11 15:50:08 UTC from web
        1. @colfax Easily, they know nothing about it and what they don't know can't hurt them...

          Monday, 19-Dec-11 15:51:39 UTC from web
          1. @sarramore That's where they're wrong, get between some folks and they're questionable internet content and things will get bloody.

            Monday, 19-Dec-11 15:52:31 UTC from web
            1. @colfax =their

              Monday, 19-Dec-11 15:52:45 UTC from web
            2. @colfax I know, its sad really... Anonymous and general internet population and other chaps all against this bill. I wonder how many of them are actually being heard by congress

              Monday, 19-Dec-11 15:55:51 UTC from web
        2. @colfax Hehe true, at least they admit it would be a good idea to ask some, "nerds".

          Monday, 19-Dec-11 15:53:49 UTC from web
          1. @jinny Yeah, but but also shows that they're not paying attention to all that's already been said on the matter.

            Monday, 19-Dec-11 15:55:00 UTC from web
            1. @colfax I'm sure they've been busy with hookers, taking bribes, and photo-ops.

              Monday, 19-Dec-11 15:55:49 UTC from web
            2. @colfax You know, that's the problem with democracy. Politicians never know anything about how what they vote works.

              Monday, 19-Dec-11 15:56:44 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos @sarramore @jinny I should run for congress, need to find a really nice cricket bat first though.

                Monday, 19-Dec-11 15:57:45 UTC from web
                1. @colfax Cricket bat? To help you beat the opposition?

                  Monday, 19-Dec-11 15:58:41 UTC from web
                  1. @sarramore To help drive home the points of my arguments.

                    Monday, 19-Dec-11 15:59:15 UTC from web
                    1. @colfax At this point I try and fail to make a cricket based pun...

                      Monday, 19-Dec-11 16:00:58 UTC from web
                      1. @sarramore It's probably for the best, I loathe puns.

                        Monday, 19-Dec-11 16:01:22 UTC from web
                        1. @colfax WHAT?! You hate puns? I don't even...

                          Monday, 19-Dec-11 16:02:35 UTC from web
                2. @colfax Congress should be disassembled, and an emperor elected.

                  Monday, 19-Dec-11 15:58:58 UTC from web
                  1. @nerthos i vote for Anarchy. nothing bad every happens with Anarchy

                    Monday, 19-Dec-11 15:59:57 UTC from web
                    1. @madflavors I hate anarchy. It doesn't works if there's intellectual difference in the population, because there will be always a boss.

                      Monday, 19-Dec-11 16:00:49 UTC from web
                      1. @nerthos that's why you just kill however becomes the boss. eventually everyone will be dead and there will never be any problems ever.

                        Monday, 19-Dec-11 16:02:45 UTC from web
                        1. @madflavors The point of a leader in anarchyç, is that nobody knows he's the leader.

                          Monday, 19-Dec-11 16:06:38 UTC from web
                3. @colfax I'd vote you in dear. Though, those cricket bats are always flying around really loudly chirping at night, when I'm trying to sleep. :3

                  Monday, 19-Dec-11 16:06:46 UTC from web
        3. @colfax Colfax your country needs you, I would expect that the Pentagon will call you at any time now.

          Monday, 19-Dec-11 15:54:17 UTC from web