

  1. Ponyarchive, I am dissapoint. You should not have caved. Nor should we be trolling Hasbro now... why so reactionary in all the wrong ways, bronies? :/

    Wednesday, 21-Dec-11 06:06:03 UTC from web
    • @rpb3000 Not bronies, just one guy who doesn't really deserve the title anymore. Another PA staff member actually came on the EqD article comments and disowned the site and its founder

      Wednesday, 21-Dec-11 06:07:27 UTC in context
    • @tenmihara >_> I think you misunderstand. I strongly supported Pony Archive's stance in continuing what they were doing regardless of Hasbro's demands, because Hasbro's demands are rooted in faulty corporatist logic that has been stifling creativity and innovation for decades. I'm dissapoint that they caved and took down the episodes, and am rather neutral on the message on the site's page at the moment. I'm dissapoint and saddened at both sides of bronies in the debate that think either a) that Hasbro was legitimately valid in these demands (they are legally shaky and logically wrong), and b) that we should boycott and troll Hasbro because of their actions (which only hinders the release of things we as a community want and doesn't solve anything).

      Wednesday, 21-Dec-11 06:21:53 UTC in context
    • @rpb3000 There's no legal shakiness about it; what PA did was illegal. The only real issue was whether or not anyone cared enough to pursue it. Once the C&D order was sent, they should have complied and quit while still ahead. Instead, the site's owner threw a tantrum

      Wednesday, 21-Dec-11 06:24:06 UTC in context
    • @rpb3000 and to further clarify, the stances don't bother me as much as the reactionary, venomous "i'm right you're wrong go die" tone that bronies on either side use. We used to be very good at having civil, rational debates over these kinds of things and reaching understandings or at least agreements to disagree with tolerance. What happen?

      Wednesday, 21-Dec-11 06:24:41 UTC in context
    • @rpb3000 Also, PA didn't give in, they were forcibly shut down form the outside

      Wednesday, 21-Dec-11 06:24:45 UTC in context
    • @tenmihara What is illegal in one country, the US in this instance, doesn't necessarily apply to other countries. PA was not a US entity. Also, legality does not imply righteousness.

      Wednesday, 21-Dec-11 06:27:14 UTC in context
    • @rpb3000 Valid points; I guess there would be some discrepancy between regional copyright laws. However, to say that one regions laws are entirely invalid in a different region wouldn't be right. For example, if someone robbed a Duty Free Store, then went back across the border; the guards on the other side would still arrest him for theft.

      Wednesday, 21-Dec-11 06:30:15 UTC in context