

  1. Sitting in a nice restaurant. How's everypony doing?

    Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:02:35 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    1. @pinhooves I'm doing good, trying to find something to convert MKV files to MP4's for my phone though xD How about you?

      Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:04:14 UTC from web
      1. @shori I'm alright. This cold has gotten slightly better. :3

        Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:06:05 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @pinhooves Whoo! # :3

          Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:07:33 UTC from web
          1. @shori My nose itches soooooo much though. D:

            Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:09:51 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            1. @pinhooves Aww, we need some kind of nose scratcher for you x3

              Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:18:12 UTC from web
              1. @shori Before I scratch my own nose off. D:

                Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:21:21 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
              2. @shori I'll scratch his nose with this nerf rifle!

                Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:26:01 UTC from web
                1. @ceruleanspark You're liking that thing, aren't you?

                  Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:29:18 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                  1. @eaglehooves @pinhooves this is the best thing ever

                    Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:33:46 UTC from web
                    1. @ceruleanspark Soooooo many attachments! I'm more convinced in getting one of those. :3

                      Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:38:10 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                    2. @ceruleanspark What a coincidence.

                      Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:39:34 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                      1. @eaglehooves What's that second weapon?

                        Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:40:22 UTC from web
                        1. @ceruleanspark A buzzbee toys double barrel. It actually ejects shells!

                          Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:47:57 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                          1. @eaglehooves Oh!. I have the proper Nerf Shotgun. The Barrel Break. No shell ejection, but it's amazingly satisfying to use.

                            Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:49:14 UTC from web
                            1. @ceruleanspark I picked that one up on a bargain. I needed some Nerf self defense for the dorm. After I got hosed down by some automatic I realized I needed something to stash under the desk.

                              Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:52:36 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                              1. @eaglehooves I'm visiting my friend @Scoot tomorrow. (I think?) He only has a single shot nite-finder for defense. This is going to be rather brutal.

                                Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:53:33 UTC from web
                2. @ceruleanspark I hope you'll just scratch, not shoot. D:

                  Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:31:06 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    2. @pinhooves I have a case of the sads, but I'll be okay.. How about you? enjoying yourself~?

      Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:05:00 UTC from web
      1. @princessweetiebelle We just got here. It's good so far.

        Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:06:43 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    3. @pinhooves Doing well, just relaxing at home.

      Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:06:33 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    4. @rotation I did that, then I mounted them both under the barrel and the two flipup sights I have on top.

      Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:39:53 UTC from web
    5. @rotation 5.

      Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:51:04 UTC from web
    6. @rotation The Deploy, the Barrel Break, the Nite Finder, the Barricade, and Little Macintosh.

      Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:51:32 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark Lil' Macintosh? Do explain.

        Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:54:42 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @eaglehooves I have a heavily modified Maverick revolver with a scope. I nicknamed it Little Macintosh after the customised revolver w/ scope that Littlepip finds and uses in Fallout Equestria.

          Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:55:31 UTC from web
          1. @ceruleanspark Ah. I'm somehow familiar enough with FO:E to get the reference, just wondered how it became a Nerf gun.

            Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:57:29 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            1. @eaglehooves @rotation gave me the scope. The Maverick I modded myself to increase power and to let the chambering mechanism swing out all the way.

              Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:58:06 UTC from web
    7. @rotation Is that the little derringer looking thing? Or the one that goes on a keyring?

      Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:54:22 UTC from web
    8. @rotation I need to dismantle the deploy to see if I can strip the air restrictor out of it. The mechanism seems to be basically identical to the maverick. Which gun did you get that drum magazine off of, btw?

      Monday, 26-Dec-11 22:57:37 UTC from web
    9. @rotation The deploy's stock is a piece of grapes. It feels like it's made out of Knex or something. The Deploy tears down into a little SOCOM looking thing, so the actual barrel is short enough that I might be able to mod it easily

      Monday, 26-Dec-11 23:04:50 UTC from web