

  1. Apparently the world's oldest chimpanzee, Chita died on the 24th.

    Thursday, 29-Dec-11 00:09:42 UTC from web
    1. @miloth Fluttersad :(

      Thursday, 29-Dec-11 00:11:57 UTC from web
      1. @rhetoricalpony He was in the 1930's Tarzan Movie I think.

        Thursday, 29-Dec-11 00:20:35 UTC from web
        1. @miloth Crap thats old! Was he a double in King Kong??? XD

          Thursday, 29-Dec-11 00:23:02 UTC from web
          1. @rhetoricalpony I'm not sure. Too bad he died, however he did break a world record, oldest chimpanzee. He will be missed.

            Thursday, 29-Dec-11 03:43:54 UTC from web