

  1. This is my dream from last night:

    Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 09:45:33 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @ceruleanspark Awesome! Is this really your first lucid dream?

      Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 09:47:39 UTC from web
      1. @patch No. Not at all. I've been an experienced lucid dreamer for years, because of nightmares I used to have when I was very young about being trapped in that room whilst it flooded.

        Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 09:49:56 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @ceruleanspark Ah, but this is the first time you've been able to destroy a dreamscape. Gotcha.

          Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 09:50:38 UTC from web
    2. @ceruleanspark Oh man, that was eerie. :c

      Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 09:48:34 UTC from web
    3. @ceruleanspark My worst nightmares were always those featuring a malicious sentience.

      Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 09:49:20 UTC from web
    4. @ceruleanspark So, a dream about eldritch beings? Sounds good. Something that troubles me, everyone talks about having nightmares. I'm completely unable to have one since I developed a certain degree of logical tought. Maybe I'll pay somebody to teach me how to have one.

      Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 10:11:28 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos That's how it normally works for me. Since I learned to question reality in the specific way required for lucid dreaming, I don't normally have nightmares. That's what was significant about this encounter.

        Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 10:12:56 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @ceruleanspark I really don't know about lucid dreaming, never bothered trying. If it's having control over the realm of dreams, yes I have. But I think the problem with me is my own ego. Since nightmares are commonly associated with a troubled psyche, having to tell mine to shut up and stop saying "you know you're a god" it's difficult to find a real problem to trouble my conscience.

          Tuesday, 03-Jan-12 10:16:06 UTC from web