

  1. So this is Brony Twitter... essentially.

    Sunday, 08-Jan-12 12:18:07 UTC from web
    1. @manestache Sure is!

      Sunday, 08-Jan-12 12:32:30 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark @purplephish20 Never got into the whole Twitter thing I'll go with similar than Twitter. Still though it's a Brony site none the less which is perfectly fine with me!

        Sunday, 08-Jan-12 12:38:02 UTC from web
    2. @manestache Oh hello newpony! Yes If I compared it to something mainstream I'd say it's brony twitty, only there's a tad (or a lot) more "community feel" to it than seeing on twitter what Stephen fry is doing. Not that Stephen fry isn't Awsome

      Sunday, 08-Jan-12 12:33:29 UTC from web
    3. @manestache @purplephish20 *twitter

      Sunday, 08-Jan-12 12:34:11 UTC from web