

  1. Howdy everypony

    Sunday, 15-Jan-12 05:47:02 UTC from web
    1. 'ello @tenmihara. How's it going?

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 05:47:48 UTC from web
    2. @tenmihara Hi!

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 05:48:03 UTC from web
    3. @tenmihara Haaaay~ How's it going?

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 05:48:13 UTC from web
    4. @tenmihara Heya

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 05:48:14 UTC from web
      1. @fallinwinter @pinhooves @mariothebrony Hey guys. Goin' pretty well; managed to get out of work just in time for the last bus =D Gonna see if I can get the new episode to work on my PS3

        Sunday, 15-Jan-12 05:49:13 UTC from web
    5. @abigpony Baby Cakes is my new favourite episode. Deal with it

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 05:50:32 UTC from web
    6. @abigpony I'm just a sucker for adorable things; but also Pinkie is my favourite pony, so yeah

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:06:09 UTC from web
    7. @abigpony *gasp*

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:08:52 UTC from web
    8. @abigpony I admit the babies aren't exactly good looking, but I don't exactly like babies in the first place so it's nothing new. Calling them 3.5 worthy is a bit much though.

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:10:02 UTC from web
    9. @abigpony Well I can't really do much if the appearance of maybe 3 baby ponies ruin episodes for you. =/

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:13:00 UTC from web
    10. @abigpony i just find babies annoying but they were surprisingly cute to me

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:16:13 UTC from web
    11. @abigpony i do agree that pinkie was too serious

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:20:24 UTC from web
    12. @abigpony r they jumping the shark?

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:20:44 UTC from web
      1. @shadowlight No, @abigpony just has a terminal case of cynicism poisoning

        Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:21:58 UTC from web
        1. @tenmihara is it contagious

          Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:24:33 UTC from web
          1. @shadowlight Thankfully, there's a cure; @abigpony is just too fargone to save

            Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:28:04 UTC from web
            1. @tenmihara i could use a little optimism right now

              Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:30:09 UTC from web
              1. @shadowlight Why, what's got you down?

                Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:33:42 UTC from web
                1. @tenmihara some of my comics were stolen out of my backpack along with my headphones

                  Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:35:18 UTC from web
                  1. @shadowlight Ouch. What comics do you read?

                    Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:37:03 UTC from web
                    1. @tenmihara mainly marvel, my prized amazing spiderman # is gone

                      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:37:50 UTC from web
                      1. @shadowlight Ooh, that's harsh. Alan Moore is Watchmen and V for Vendetta right? Been a while since I actually sat down and read those <.<

                        Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:39:25 UTC from web
                        1. @tenmihara they're more novels than comics, but they're awesome

                          Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:40:05 UTC from web
                          1. @shadowlight Very much so. However, my personal favourites are Green Lantern on the DC side (Batman comes a close second) and Iron Man from Marvel (Spidey takes 2nd place)

                            Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:41:54 UTC from web
                            1. @tenmihara my favorite marvel is yours but switched

                              Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:43:11 UTC from web
                    2. @tenmihara i also like batman, and alan moore

                      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:38:16 UTC from web
    13. <Me realizing we haven't really de-spoilered any of these posts.

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:20:59 UTC from web
      1. @fallinwinter oops

        Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:21:43 UTC from web
    14. @abigpony

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:23:25 UTC from web
    15. @abigpony Serious? What part of the episode was serious other than maybe the ending with the letter and stuff, which I generally don't care too much about? [sp]V fnj gur rcvfbqr nf n cher pbzvp eryvrs rcvfbqr yvxr na rcvfbqr bs gbz naq wreel jurer abguvat ernyyl unccraf bgure guna gur punenpgref pnhfvat unibp naq punfvat rnpu bgure sbe ynhtuf.[/sp]

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:26:33 UTC from web
      1. @fallinwinter Indeed; the episode was largely centered around playing things for laughs, such as it often does when Pinkie is involved

        Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:28:34 UTC from web
    16. @abigpony Nothing, actually. After speaking about the episode this long I expected something to slip. Admittedly there's only really been mention of already known things about the episode as far as I can tell.

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:27:49 UTC from web
    17. @abigpony I don't mean every episode of Tom and Jerry, but at the least the general comedy more than story style of some of the episodes. [sp]N ybg bs jung lbh whfg fnvq vf zber jung vf vzcyvrq, ohg arire fcrpvsvpnyyl zragvbarq hagvy gur raq bs gur rcvfbqr naq rira gura fubhyq unir orra qbar qvssreragyl vs gurl jnagrq n yrffba gb fgvpx. Hc hagvy gur raq, Cvaxvr Cvr jnf qbvat pnegbbal, Cvaxvr Cvr furanavtnaf va n trarenyyl rkcrpgrq (gb gur ivrjref) snvyher gb trg gurz gb qb jung fur arrqrq gurz gb qb naq yvfgra. Rira zber fb, ng gur raq bs gur rcvfbqr fur oernxf qbja naq pevrf naq gur puvyqera raq hc pbafbyvat ure naq tbvat gb fyrrc ba gurve bja. Guvf vf abg grnpuvat zhpu bs n yrffba. Vs gurl jrer gb znxr n yrffba bhg bs vg, fur fubhyq unir jbhaq hc ernyvmvat fur arrqrq uryc sebz Gjvyvtug be unir unq gur Pnxrf pbzr ubzr naq yrnea sebz gurz ubj gb npg erfcbafvoyl jura gurl uryc ure qb jung fur jnf fhccbfrq gb.[/sp]

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:40:05 UTC from web
      1. @fallinwinter was that a language?'cause I have no idea what u just said

        Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:42:28 UTC from web
        1. @mariothebrony It's an encrypted Spoiler

          Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:43:43 UTC from web
        2. @mariothebrony We have a no spoiler rule here, you can get a script to decode them.

          Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:43:46 UTC from web
        3. @mariothebrony Oh right, I forgot you're new here, my bad. Use Firefox or Google Chrome and download grease/(I forget what the Chrome equivalent is) monkey and then download !RDNrefresh for it and install it. There's a encoder/decoder built in so that you can post spoilers without actually spoilering anything for those who do not wish to see spoilers and haven't gotten seen it yet. Which by the way, the general spoiler free zone (unless encoded as stated above) time is 2 days after the episode airs.

          Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:46:25 UTC from web
    18. @abigpony I can't download anything at all at the moment 'cause my PC's being repaired & I'm on Wii to use internet,which in this cas,ewon't let me download everpony's commenting in that way.Dang it...

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:50:19 UTC from web
    19. @abigpony kk!

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:54:26 UTC from web
    20. @abigpony [sp]Jryy V frr jung lbh zrna, ohg V frr vg nf aba frevbhf rssbegf (Fgnaq hc pbzrql, Sybhe Ongu Ehaavat Tnt) be ng gur yrnfg abg frevbhf nggrzcgf ol zbfg bgure crbcyr'f fgnaqneqf. Vg whfg sryg yvxr vg jnf gelvat gb trg ynhtuf bhg bs zr zber guna vg jnf gelvat gb gryy zr gb or frevbhf nobhg cneragvat be gb or erfcbafvoyr.[/sp]

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:55:58 UTC from web
    21. @abigpony Well then I'm sorry you feel that way about the episode I guess? I personally still found her antics hilarious. Not that this is a big deal considering how many other episodes there are to choose from.

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 07:04:56 UTC from web