

  1. Holy Celestia! it's dead and boring here at work, It's DEAD on weekends. Witch I think alot about gore and violance, and ponies and pony ideas. So, whats up with you ponies tonight?

    Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:43:35 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    1. @bronymcbroningson not much,I might just be online all night 'cause me have no life x) @colfax wha... @tenmihara ah

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:46:08 UTC from web
      1. @mariothebrony I see, well I pretty much have no life outside of work

        Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:49:29 UTC from web
        1. as you can clearly see,I'm using a very crappy keyboard,which is y I automatically spot many typos,& am too damn lazy to fix 'em. @bronymcbroningson ditto

          Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:51:48 UTC from web
    2. @abigpony Wha?

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 06:52:55 UTC from web
    3. @abigpony Gore and violance: pictures: 1. employee giving a Hug with his boss, though the bodyguards skull and holding the bodyguards ripped off arm (arm has a pistol. (boss is agianst the wall) 2. Guy licking a girl severed head (forehead) and mmm, tasty. Ponies and pony ideas: tumblr ideas, My OC(s) and witch one would represent me

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 07:38:37 UTC from web
    4. @abigpony About witch one, gore/violance or ponies/pony ideas?

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 07:48:09 UTC from web
    5. @abigpony I desribed the pictures perfectly

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 07:55:14 UTC from web
    6. @abigpony oh ok, yeah. I was thinking of drawing those pics but, but I can't draw. And that's what happens when I'm bored and just think. Or ponies

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 08:23:02 UTC from web
    7. @abigpony LOL, yeah. I don't ether, but that's art *rim shot* Some pony pics would be as violent as those: heads exploding, ripped in half, and such.

      Sunday, 15-Jan-12 08:32:04 UTC from web