

  1. !ottawabronies Well, looks like school decided to punch me in the face and prevent me from leaving the house at all this weekend. *sigh* But have extra fun for me! I'll be there in spirit!

    Saturday, 28-Jan-12 03:17:41 UTC from web
    1. !ottawabronies Hope to see everypony tomorrow! @memj Such is school, unfortunately. I'll save you some cupcakes! (No, not those kind.) :P

      Saturday, 28-Jan-12 04:07:54 UTC from web
    2. @memj !ottawabronies The All-Star Game is keeping me at the arena for 10 hours a day this weekend. (I think it's even keeping my cellphone over night. Whoops!)

      Saturday, 28-Jan-12 04:22:39 UTC from web
    3. @memj what school

      Sunday, 29-Jan-12 03:01:36 UTC from web
      1. @sirderpyhooves Sorry bro, I actually live on the opposite end of the city from you. :( Keep looking though! I know there's gotta be more bronies lurking around.

        Sunday, 29-Jan-12 17:21:30 UTC from web