

  1. Hmmm. Shame there aren't many people here. This format is a lot easier to use and follow than Twitter, and the character limit's a lot higher. Shame about the language ban. *sigh*

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:22:46 UTC from web
    1. @psykozohedron wE FIND WAYS AROUND IT.

      Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:24:00 UTC from web
      1. @carcino Heh. I'll _bet_. ツ

        Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:26:55 UTC from web
        1. @psykozohedron The hell?

          Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:27:21 UTC from web
          1. @carcino Beg pardon?

            Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:28:51 UTC from web
            1. @psykozohedron What was with the moon speak at the end there?

              Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:29:21 UTC from web
              1. @carcino Oh, that's the Katakana character for the syllable "tu". I've got an extension that replaces the standard smiley with it. I think it's cuter. I can give you the link for the Chrome extension and tell you where to find the character in your own system's charmap, if you want.

                Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:31:19 UTC from web
                1. @psykozohedron Creepy.

                  Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:32:06 UTC from web
                  1. @carcino Well, if you say so. ツ I love OSX's character viewer. I did one for my email .sigfile: ∞☺∞☮∞☯∞☥∞♡ Infinite smiles, infinite peace, infinite balance, infinite life, infinite love.

                    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:38:58 UTC from web
                    1. @psykozohedron I'll just be over here then... you know... making sense.

                      Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:39:46 UTC from web
                2. @psykozohedron Isn't it tsu? I think a tunami would be far less menacing than a tsunami.

                  Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:32:21 UTC from web
                  1. @egnaroesroh That's a different one. ツ

                    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:39:20 UTC from web
                    1. @psykozohedron No, I'm pretty certain you pronounce that as tsu.

                      Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:41:16 UTC from web
                      1. @egnaroesroh Let me look it up. I hate being wrong. Hang on...

                        Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:42:00 UTC from web
                        1. @psykozohedron Yes, you're right. My apologies. I'll remember that, in future, when I get a question about what it is. Thanks for pointing it out.

                          Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:43:19 UTC from web
                      2. @egnaroesroh Drat. Been replying to myself. I'm not really an idiot, I swear. Incidentally, if I'm killing timelines with something as simple as alt characters and text replacement, they deserve to die so something more durable can grow in their place. ツ

                        Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:46:22 UTC from web
                        1. @psykozohedron It wasn't supposed to be serious. I was joking at the six minute time lapse that incidentally fell after the Japanese lesson.

                          Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:47:55 UTC from web
                          1. @egnaroesroh That was a smoke break. ツ

                            Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:50:03 UTC from web
                  2. @egnaroesroh Or... maybe you're right. I'm going by what Character Viewer tells me, but it could be wrong. It's been a long time since I flunked Japanese II. ツ

                    Monday, 30-Jan-12 10:41:04 UTC from web