

  1. Why do people depict ponies as being naughty?! #

    Monday, 30-Jan-12 14:18:50 UTC from web
    1. @onetrickpony Because people depict everything as being naughty.

      Monday, 30-Jan-12 14:19:20 UTC from web
      1. @patch It's pathetic really.

        Monday, 30-Jan-12 14:19:59 UTC from web
        1. @onetrickpony You and I may not like it, in fact I avoid it wherever I can, but it's an inescapable part of human nature.

          Monday, 30-Jan-12 14:20:44 UTC from web
          1. @patch This is a sad fact. I hate that this kind of stuff has become the "Normal"

            Monday, 30-Jan-12 14:23:20 UTC from web
            1. @onetrickpony I agree. I think it's always been. The best we can do, I think it concentrate on what we like and just try to let the rest slide.

              Monday, 30-Jan-12 14:24:44 UTC from web
              1. @patch I agree with this. So, how are you?

                Monday, 30-Jan-12 14:26:06 UTC from web
                1. @onetrickpony Not too bad. Having some good food and some good conversation. How is the you?

                  Monday, 30-Jan-12 14:28:06 UTC from web
                  1. @patch I am well. Sitting in Computer Applications class, finished early. Sadly, I didn't eat breakfast >.<

                    Monday, 30-Jan-12 14:29:05 UTC from web
                    1. @onetrickpony Noooo! Breakfast is the Most Important Meal of the Day!

                      Monday, 30-Jan-12 14:30:36 UTC from web
                      1. @patch I suppose I will get the chance to eat breakfast at about 10:40 when we are dismissed for lunch. :P

                        Monday, 30-Jan-12 14:31:27 UTC from web
                        1. @onetrickpony Excellent. Food truly is one of the world's great pleasures.

                          Monday, 30-Jan-12 14:31:59 UTC from web
                          1. @patch That is probably the most true statement I have read today ... Given I have only been reading other studet's answers to help them with work >.<

                            Monday, 30-Jan-12 14:33:02 UTC from web
                            1. @onetrickpony I'm grateful to be in company which elevates me! I should talk to you more often then, and sound profound compared to what you normally hear. Mind if I ask what in particular you're working on--or were working on--in the class?

                              Monday, 30-Jan-12 14:34:33 UTC from web
                              1. @patch Everyone else is on a work sheet. I am one day ahead, so I just finished with a vocabulary project on the computer.

                                Monday, 30-Jan-12 14:36:38 UTC from web