

  1. AHAH! if we're talking about filters that DONT work then ill bring up one that does! the one on Flipnote Hatena is REALLY annoying! you cant even say things like "pine" or "trampoline" or "violin"!

    Wednesday, 08-Feb-12 19:10:25 UTC from web
    1. @booboos Phantasy Star Online was infamous for having an amazing good/bad word filter. Words it would block "Shoes" "Saturday"

      Wednesday, 08-Feb-12 19:13:29 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark yup, sounds JUST like hatena's.

        Wednesday, 08-Feb-12 19:15:47 UTC from web
        1. @booboos They're not both sega products are they?

          Wednesday, 08-Feb-12 19:16:11 UTC from web
          1. @ceruleanspark no, Hatena is for the DSI. Its the online area where you can post your stuff from Flipnote Hatena

            Wednesday, 08-Feb-12 19:21:57 UTC from web