

  1. Hmm, if I let track my physical location, I won't get stalkers showing up at my door right? XD I'm sure its just for the map thing..yeah..

    Saturday, 18-Feb-12 10:05:51 UTC from web
    1. @mizuki I wouldn't do it. I've been trying to hide my location ever since I joined for that reason, lol.

      Saturday, 18-Feb-12 10:06:55 UTC from web
      1. @phillipjayfry really?! Hmm maybe I should deny it then- I'm from a pretty small town so I'd be easy to find @ A @

        Saturday, 18-Feb-12 10:11:20 UTC from web
        1. @mizuki Well I'm pretty sure nopony here is a creep, the brony community is generally nice due to the teachings of love and tolerance. So hopefully no stalkers or creepers here!

          Saturday, 18-Feb-12 10:13:07 UTC from web
    2. @mizuki it's not very accurate anyway. Mine points about 10 miles from my house.

      Saturday, 18-Feb-12 10:15:02 UTC from web
      1. @digibrony lol I see XD Well I denied it for now, but if I ever decide to change it/get asked again I'll probably allow it~

        Saturday, 18-Feb-12 10:23:25 UTC from web