Hay everypony!
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:47:56 UTC from web-
@axelgunn Hello there! How are you?
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:48:13 UTC from web-
@pinhooves I am emotionally and physically in top condition! :) However I am bored out of my mind lol
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:48:48 UTC from web
@axelgunn Hay!
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:48:14 UTC from web-
@macpony55 How's it goin'?
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:49:00 UTC from web-
@axelgunn Good, how are things there?
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:49:32 UTC from web-
@macpony55 Also good. I'm not sick anymore :D however, I am extraordinarily bored.
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:50:17 UTC from web-
@axelgunn Hmm, hobbies?
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:51:09 UTC from web-
@macpony55 I read, I write, I play videogames, I listen to music while simultaneously doing those things, I like to go for long walks (seriously lol) However, I'm dealing with writer's block right now, None of my books appeal to me, and my father is currently playing a game so that's kinda out of the question as well. Unless I play Mario Kart 7
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:53:46 UTC from web-
@axelgunn Why not try to make something?
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:54:35 UTC from web-
@macpony55 Make something how? Like, just in general?
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:55:11 UTC from web-
@axelgunn General, or something on the computer that is pony related, I just started learning animation in the hopes of being able to do pony animations soon
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:58:51 UTC from web-
@macpony55 I just have to stay away from art. Anything about drawing or painting and I'd probably end up dying or something lol
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:00:24 UTC from web-
@axelgunn Hmm, music?
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:01:00 UTC from web-
@macpony55 Ah, in that case EVERYPONY might die xD I'm just not artistically inclined... D:
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:02:20 UTC from web-
@axelgunn hi :)
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:05:12 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@zach Hay!!
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:06:08 UTC from web-
@axelgunn what up
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:17:23 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@zach I'm bored lol. macpony55 said I should act something out and post it on youtube
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:17:58 UTC from web-
@axelgunn who knows
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:18:50 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@zach Hmmmmm...
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:19:20 UTC from web-
@axelgunn what you thinking
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:19:58 UTC from StatusNet iPhone-
@zach Well macpony just suggested I act out a fanfic
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:20:32 UTC from web-
@axelgunn ok
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:20:57 UTC from StatusNet iPhone -
@axelgunn now it's only to decide which fan fic to act out
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:22:05 UTC from web-
@decibel Indeed. Tough task ahead I face.
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:22:31 UTC from web-
@axelgunn well an absurdly difficult one would be Fallout Equestria. But that one would be the most fun if somepony had the budget to do that
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:23:34 UTC from web-
@decibel Oh yeah it would. On both parts.
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:24:12 UTC from web -
@decibel It shall be done someday
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:25:44 UTC from web-
@macpony55 well actors= humans unless you want to pour money into animations for making them all ponies. then there would be that fact of turning each race into humans. STEP 1
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:28:47 UTC from web-
@decibel Well I am already working on something for it, although it may take a while
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:29:41 UTC from web-
@macpony55 do ya need any help? or are you trying to do this solo?
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:31:54 UTC from web-
@decibel I don't really know yet, not even close to being ready to start but I'll let you know how things look when I am
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:41:06 UTC from web
@axelgunn Programming?
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:13:14 UTC from web-
@macpony55 Yes, I do plan on learning that. Also I like acting
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:14:12 UTC from web-
@axelgunn I'm pretty sure acting requires artistic talent, just sayin
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:14:50 UTC from web-
@macpony55 Indeed, but I still like it xD
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:15:59 UTC from web-
@axelgunn Hmm, then you must act something out and post it on teh youtubes for teh bronies
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:16:28 UTC from web-
@macpony55 :O I should!
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:16:50 UTC from web -
@macpony55 I just have no idea what!
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:17:11 UTC from web-
@axelgunn Hmm, We'll have to think of something
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:18:33 UTC from web-
@macpony55 Indeed we shall.
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:18:52 UTC from web-
@axelgunn Act out a fanfic? That could be interesting
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:19:33 UTC from web-
@macpony55 DUDE. That would be interesting. I'd have to find a good fanfic though
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:20:11 UTC from web-
@axelgunn Lemme think, you'd need to start with something simple
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:26:24 UTC from web-
@macpony55 Yes indeedy.
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:26:48 UTC from web
@axelgunn make !paperponies and take pics!
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 18:59:48 UTC from web-
@zimzap My good jaw just hit the floor when I gazed upon these
Sunday, 19-Feb-12 19:01:44 UTC from web