

  1. I wanna do an interesting playthrough of Skyrim. Question is what should I do to make it interesting? I want to give myself some sort of goal or restriction to make it different than a regular playthrough. Any ideas?

    Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 18:46:29 UTC from web
    1. @triscy no fast ravel only daggers and only walking xD

      Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 18:47:09 UTC from web
    2. @triscy Naked playthough GO

      Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 18:47:21 UTC from web
      1. @minti Actually that would be quite a challenge, due to the lack of enchants.

        Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 18:49:15 UTC from web
    3. @triscy RP it. Realistic day cycle, food, drink, stop to heal, etc. No fast travel.

      Tuesday, 21-Feb-12 18:48:28 UTC from web