

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @lightningflicker may I ask who 'you' is?

      Saturday, 25-Feb-12 11:38:04 UTC from web
    2. @lightningflicker ah, I see. Well that's fair. I just wondered if it was supposed to be directed at someone specific or everyone in general

      Saturday, 25-Feb-12 11:43:03 UTC from web
    3. @lightningflicker The show didn't change anyone. The first sign of something they don't like and they all flip their papayas. Never mind the legal arguments, or the opinions of the other side: The bronies are right and everyone who disagrees is a hater. That's not even remotely close to the ideals those same people profess to believe in.

      Saturday, 25-Feb-12 11:54:02 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark you can't really say that the show hasn't changed anyone. Not everyone has become involved in this, and you can't claim to know the entirety of the community based on these actions

        Saturday, 25-Feb-12 12:01:05 UTC from web
        1. @trister It's not just this. It's my entire experience with the community over the past year or so. For the vast majority of people, the "Love and tolerance" has always only been skin deep.

          Saturday, 25-Feb-12 12:02:24 UTC from web
    4. @lightningflicker regardless of whether or not the show has changed anyone, we're still just people and subject to the same flaws as everyone else. Yeah, people are getting a bit too worked up or negative one way or another, but I agree with your point. I'd prefer if nothing was changed, but at the same time I know that this kind of action is more likely to be problematic than to help. What's done is done, it might be unfortunate, but at the end of the day she's a fan character first and that can't be changed

      Saturday, 25-Feb-12 11:56:07 UTC from web