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    Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:12:56 UTC from web
    1. @decibel Howdy

      Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:13:09 UTC from web
      1. @axelgunn hey axel, how are ya?

        Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:13:28 UTC from web
        1. @decibel I'm not too sure atm xD

          Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:13:39 UTC from web
          1. @axelgunn hahaha, well hopefully you figure that out

            Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:14:25 UTC from web
            1. @decibel Yeah I know right?

              Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:15:15 UTC from web
              1. @axelgunn can i personally ask how your Quoth the raven, ponies is up in the popular notices?

                Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:17:36 UTC from web
                1. @decibel Uh...a bunch of ponies favorited it? I don't know xD But I'm happy about it :3

                  Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:19:43 UTC from web
    2. @decibel Wibbles~

      Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:13:20 UTC from web
      1. @ck06 wibbles?

        Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:14:01 UTC from web
        1. @decibel It means "Welcome back"

          Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:14:28 UTC from web
          1. @ck06 ah, Spasibo.

            Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:14:57 UTC from web
            1. @decibel Spasibo?

              Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:15:28 UTC from web
              1. @ck06 Russian for thank you

                Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:16:57 UTC from web
                1. @decibel Ah, geen probleem~

                  Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:17:25 UTC from web
          2. @ck06 Seriously?? It does?

            Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:15:04 UTC from web
            1. @axelgunn Yeah, it totally does. Even when sober it works XD

              Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:15:54 UTC from web
              1. @ck06 I sense an interesting backstory to this wibbles business xD

                Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:16:45 UTC from web
                1. @axelgunn The entire story will blow your mind, so try guessing it first! ;3

                  Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:17:47 UTC from web
                  1. @ck06 Uh...........................I really have no idea xD

                    Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:20:17 UTC from web
                    1. @axelgunn I tried to shorten "welcome back" because i didn't feel like doing the space. After discussing this with a friend she had to go and shouted "tootdles" to me. Then it hit me with the force of a jet plane. WIBBLES!

                      Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:21:52 UTC from web
                      1. @ck06 Haha xD That's awesome!

                        Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:22:27 UTC from web
                        1. @axelgunn Do you have any awesome words?

                          Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:24:03 UTC from web
                          1. @ck06 The only one I can think of is Frankus, and that's just some guys name I met on Xbox live xD

                            Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:24:54 UTC from web
                            1. @axelgunn @ck06 There's a guy on my hockey team named Minkus. :D

                              Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:27:08 UTC from web
                              1. @lovetolerateandsquee That's a pretty cute name :O

                                Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:27:41 UTC from web
                                1. @ck06 Your bio says you're from NL. Is that Newfoundland?

                                  Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:28:58 UTC from web
                                  1. @lovetolerateandsquee nope, it's The Netherlands (aka. Holland) from in Europe

                                    Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:29:51 UTC from web
                                    1. @ck06 I was figuring that, considering there are NO FRIGGING BRONIES ON THIS CRAPPY ROCK OF AN ISLAND...

                                      Thursday, 01-Mar-12 23:31:13 UTC from web