Alright if you give me a race of pony or griffin or dragon or something I will look for a group for you.
Friday, 02-Mar-12 00:14:17 UTC from web-
@zimzap Pegasus Power, and Pride
@bronyalex !pegasusponies and for all fliers !flyuni
@zimzap Yay we can talk about weather, and cloudsdale, and racing, and stuff
@bronyalex sorry I'm in the !unionofunicorns but I can make steampunk wings if you like :3
@zimzap Hmm sounds interesting go on about these steampunk wings even though i've got a pair my own considering i'm already a pegasus, but it's still a nice offer
@bronyalex if you've seen art of steampunk dash, she has steampunk wings, the are made of metal, i think unicorns could have them too, i'll give you a pic, but it'll take some time.
@zimzap Mk patients is key here then for myslef
@bronyalex well here's rainbow but it'll take some time to get pictures of me with my new wings.
@zimzap Hmm these wings look pretty cool compared to the feathered ones, about 20% cooler to be exact
@zimzap Yah and they can come in back up just in case a pegasus pony gets in a bit of an unfix-able wing incident, smart, effective, and cool I like that
@zimzap Ah i see the glitch within my own name
@bronyalex steampunk wings are an option in pony creator, maybe if make your oc there you can add some.
@zimzap Nah, when ever I draw myself,(as my pony version or OC) I always go with plain old feather wings.
@zimzap Yeah I know there's a repeat glitch. Figures everyone but me gets it, been working with @forestrain trying to figure it out. xD