

  1. Thar you go my avatar is now my OC for you ponies who haven't seen it yet

    Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 03:35:46 UTC from web
    1. @bronyalex ah! Nice! What's the cutie mark?

      Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 03:37:35 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      1. @techdash42 A Blank Flank :(

        Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 03:38:02 UTC from web
        1. @bronyalex aww, mines a floppy disk. Why, you ask? Because floppies are the WAY OF THE PAST! (I like old tech)

          Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 03:39:04 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        2. @bronyalex don't feel bad, you know the jerk from Pony-brooklyn who wouldn't sell the cherry to fluttershy? Yeah, he was a blank flank. He was taking out his life's woes on that poor pony.

          Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 03:39:07 UTC from web
          1. @crusader8 But that means that i am similar to a jerk new yorker pony :(

            Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 03:40:34 UTC from web
            1. @bronyalex no, it just means you don't know your special talent yet! :)

              Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 03:42:03 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
              1. @techdash42 Oh yea and that :D, my OC name doesn't really say a talent either I mean brony alex

                Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 03:42:42 UTC from web
                1. @bronyalex well, you could be good at being a brony! What would THAT look like, though?

                  Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 03:44:00 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                  1. @techdash42 I dunno, and YAY i'm a good brony

                    Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 03:44:53 UTC from web
                    1. @bronyalex hmmm... Brony cutie mark... Maybe... *shrug*

                      Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 03:48:33 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                  2. @techdash42 Yo dawg...

                    Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 03:49:13 UTC from web
            2. @bronyalex nah, it just means you won't have anything to worry about because you're obviously not like him.

              Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 03:43:17 UTC from web
              1. @crusader8 Oh thank goodness, i like fluttershy well i like every pony to be honest

                Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 03:44:00 UTC from web
        3. @bronyalex -snuggles up next to BronyAlex- -nuzzles mane- -lurks-

          Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 03:41:32 UTC from web
          1. @silverbrony Teehee #

            Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 03:42:02 UTC from web
            1. @bronyalex -makes content whinny sound- #

              Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 03:43:33 UTC from web
        4. @bronyalex Same here! I love too many things to decide on one! XD

          Tuesday, 20-Mar-12 03:49:38 UTC from web