

  1. ASSDF Tearing apart my room then putting everything back. Spring cleaning. Just found my tablet pen, the one I bought a replacement for and it cost me like 70$. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

    Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 16:25:32 UTC from web
    1. @minti Spring cleaning is just that awesome!

      Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 16:27:25 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos ;_;

        Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 16:27:33 UTC from web
        1. @minti I'm at autumn, though, so it's 6 more months to start finding stuff.

          Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 16:28:38 UTC from web
    2. @minti Oh geez, hate it when you lose something and find it after you've replaced it. =.= Happens more often than I would like to admit.

      Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 16:27:42 UTC from web
    3. @minti Oh man. I've done that before. I've also done it about 40 different times with pencils, two ipods, chapsticks, and my favorite guitar picks.

      Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 16:27:43 UTC from web
      1. @thecloakednightmare Oh man, you've done that with iPods?

        Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 16:28:24 UTC from web
        1. @minti Yeah. 2 touches. Oh! And my iPhone. (still haven't found the old one.)

          Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 16:30:44 UTC from web
          1. @thecloakednightmare Ouch. I don't know what I'd do if I lost my touch. xD

            Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 16:31:27 UTC from web
            1. @minti I lose stuff all the time! Two tees ago, I lost the battery to a phone that wasn't out anymore, and it cost more than what the phone was itself to replace. A year later, I found it in my backpack right where I left it, it was just in a fold in the material. My dad had gone on a loooooong time about being so stupid about losing it, but he went on even longer about it being right where I left it. XD

              Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 16:34:57 UTC from web
              1. @thecloakednightmare XD Sounds like me, I have the magical ability to misplace things in plain sight. Just recently I was trying to find my wallet, swearing at the top of my lungs cause my money was in it. My dad pointed out it was in front of my keyboard, which is where I spent 90% of my time anyway... AND where I had JUST looked.. xD

                Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 16:36:18 UTC from web
                1. @minti I managed to lose my glasses for 15 minutes by putting them on the keyboard. While on RDN.

                  Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 16:37:10 UTC from web
                  1. @greatandpowerfuleaglehooves I've lost them on my face before. xD

                    Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 16:38:10 UTC from web
                2. @minti Haha! Ditto! That's exactly like me, too! That's just annoying when you do that, isn't it? My things have the uncanny ability of disappearing for hours, days, and even years on end, when seconds before they were just there in my hand.

                  Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 16:41:50 UTC from web
                  1. @thecloakednightmare Yep. And usually RIGHT when you need them. Haha, it's so bad

                    Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 16:42:34 UTC from web
                    1. @minti Oh, don't I know it. In school, I had to get about two hundred pencils for school because of stuff like that! And te weird thing is, the case with all of them in it disapeared! Has that happened

                      Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 16:45:23 UTC from web
              2. @thecloakednightmare How about when they yell at you for losing something they had on them the entire time.

                Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 16:36:58 UTC from web
                1. @colfax Yeah. That really sucks. :(

                  Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 16:39:23 UTC from web
    4. @minti Tabelt pen you use the tablet for drawing i thought you cant draw xD or you can but you dont want us to see it xD

      Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 16:45:11 UTC from web
      1. @rozeluck Yeah, I have a tablet. My crappy drawings are done with it. You don't want to see me try drawing with a mouse.

        Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 16:47:41 UTC from web
        1. @minti what about you show us? xD

          Wednesday, 21-Mar-12 16:50:11 UTC from web