

  1. hmm... so what ever happened to @lyokotravels ? Has he been on at all today?

    Saturday, 24-Mar-12 04:54:11 UTC from web
    1. @aeniug2 Apparently not. He's busy finishing up that picture probably.

      Saturday, 24-Mar-12 04:55:01 UTC from web
      1. @policeman Ahhhh ok

        Saturday, 24-Mar-12 04:55:38 UTC from web
        1. @aeniug2 I honestly have no clue. He's not even been on skype

          Saturday, 24-Mar-12 05:03:23 UTC from web
    2. @aeniug2 Maybe he's out looking for you and that's why he ain't on. He never did find you, did he? You seemed to be telling him what was up.

      Saturday, 24-Mar-12 05:08:34 UTC from web
      1. @policeman I'm pretty sure I saw him twice yesterday, and I can confirm that we were on the same street at the same time, but I was always too far away or caught up in something to go after him, and he apparently needs wifi to get updates.. so... meh...

        Saturday, 24-Mar-12 05:13:16 UTC from web