

  1. @carcino You hear that Mr. Vantas? That is the sound of inevitability. It is the sound of your death. Goodbye, Mr. Vantas.

    Saturday, 24-Mar-12 06:09:19 UTC from web
    1. @sebastian1314 Let's see you do anything.

      Saturday, 24-Mar-12 06:09:40 UTC from web
      1. @carcino I say the same to you.

        Saturday, 24-Mar-12 06:12:21 UTC from web
        1. @sebastian1314 Sorry, worship me a little more and maybe you'll see a miracle or two. That's how religion works.

          Saturday, 24-Mar-12 06:13:05 UTC from web
          1. @carcino #

            Saturday, 24-Mar-12 06:14:02 UTC from web
            1. @nerthos That was a good group too.

              Saturday, 24-Mar-12 06:14:27 UTC from web
              1. @carcino One of the many that the big cleansing killed xD

                Saturday, 24-Mar-12 06:16:33 UTC from web
                1. @nerthos All my groups were pure gold.

                  Saturday, 24-Mar-12 06:17:04 UTC from web
                  1. @carcino Lol

                    Saturday, 24-Mar-12 06:17:21 UTC from web
                    1. @nerthos Don't deny.

                      Saturday, 24-Mar-12 06:17:49 UTC from web
                      1. @carcino I'm not denying it.

                        Saturday, 24-Mar-12 06:18:11 UTC from web
                        1. @nerthos Damn right you're not.

                          Saturday, 24-Mar-12 06:18:31 UTC from web
          2. @carcino I'm an atheist, so suckit.

            Saturday, 24-Mar-12 06:18:38 UTC from web
            1. @sebastian1314 Says the one in my worship group.

              Saturday, 24-Mar-12 06:19:04 UTC from web
              1. @carcino Look again, Mr. Vantas.

                Saturday, 24-Mar-12 06:19:45 UTC from web
                1. @sebastian1314 Very good, we don't want fakers or try hards in my circle.

                  Saturday, 24-Mar-12 06:20:41 UTC from web
                  1. @carcino Goodbye Mr. Vantas. Your fate will catch up to you eventually.

                    Saturday, 24-Mar-12 06:30:22 UTC from web
                    1. @sebastian1314 I'm not worried.

                      Saturday, 24-Mar-12 06:31:00 UTC from web
                      1. @carcino Good. You won't even notice it then.

                        Saturday, 24-Mar-12 06:32:14 UTC from web
                        1. @sebastian1314 I hope so, I dare fate to even scratch me.

                          Saturday, 24-Mar-12 06:33:03 UTC from web
                          1. @carcino I leave it in the hooves of fate then. May she be merciful upon you.

                            Saturday, 24-Mar-12 06:38:03 UTC from web