

  1. It's good to know that however much I break this website I will still be more capable of administration than Bethesda is at making games.

    Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 10:31:33 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @ceruleanspark The most fun part of bethesda games (asides from lore) is finding workarounds for bugs with the console and modding tools.

      Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 10:36:31 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos It's more fun to do it on a console and try to work around the bugs by attempting to alter the variables through in-game action.

        Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 10:37:26 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @ceruleanspark Sadly, I can't play Bethesda games on a console because A) I don't own neither a PS3 nor an Xbox360; and B) They are mostly first person, and I would waste twenty arrows/bullets to hit a single enemy with a joystick. I only found one bug I couldn't fix, and I think it was caused by my solution to another minor bug. In Skyrim's College of Winterhold questline, when Ancano takes you to the archmage's quarters, the Psijic didn't appear, so I ended up spawning him with the console. When finishing the seventh quest, the eight one didn't appear in the log, and the NPCs were completely disregarding the whole questline. I think it's due to the Psijic only appearing again at the end of the quest, so it's presence made the AI think the quest was already completed, neither allowing me to advance properly nor to force it with the console via resetquest MG08 or setstage MG08 ##

          Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 10:48:28 UTC from web
    2. @conventrix I loved Oblivion so much. Even with all it's bugs and the faces. Oh the faces.

      Wednesday, 28-Mar-12 10:49:21 UTC from web