

  1. @greatandpowerfuleaglehooves @minti Oh yeah, I'm trying to shorten the IDs. Only have a 1000 character limit.

    Friday, 30-Mar-12 06:22:41 UTC from web
    1. @jdavisrdnet01 If you hit that 1,000 character limit I'd be surprised. xD

      Friday, 30-Mar-12 06:24:03 UTC from web
      1. @minti @sirgreatandpowerfuleaglehoovesthethirdofthelongtitle How long can IDs go? User Minti, SGaPEglHvsThe3rdofTheLongTTL, as he calls himself now, is starting to play musical IDs.

        Friday, 30-Mar-12 06:33:38 UTC from web
        1. @jdavisrdnet01 It's capped at 64. I probably should drop back to just 'Eaglehooves'. The G&P was a carryover from a joke from awhile back.

          Friday, 30-Mar-12 06:35:12 UTC from web
          1. @sirgreatandpowerfuleaglehoovesthethirdofthelongtitle Please, please do.

            Friday, 30-Mar-12 06:35:29 UTC from web
            1. @minti Tomorrow, er... later today.

              Friday, 30-Mar-12 06:37:15 UTC from web
      2. @minti @sirgreatandpowerfuleaglehoovesthethirdofthelongtitle I'd be really perplexed if I still had enough space left over to type just one sentence, let alone a paragraph!

        Friday, 30-Mar-12 06:35:27 UTC from web
        1. @jdavisrdnet01 One thousand characters is quite a bit. You could fit 10 times the number of characters in this message and still have room!

          Friday, 30-Mar-12 06:36:14 UTC from web
        2. @jdavisrdnet01 1000 characters is a surprising amount of space.

          Friday, 30-Mar-12 06:37:49 UTC from web
    2. @jdavisrdnet01 1000 characters? I can help you fill that.

      Friday, 30-Mar-12 06:26:26 UTC from web