

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @greydragon412 Good morning!

      Friday, 30-Mar-12 06:37:44 UTC from web
    2. @greydragon412 'morning.

      Friday, 30-Mar-12 06:37:55 UTC from web
    3. @greydragon412 Good, finishing with the backups to format C

      Friday, 30-Mar-12 06:39:37 UTC from web
    4. @greydragon412 Just continuing to substitute sleep with coffee and ponies.

      Friday, 30-Mar-12 06:40:20 UTC from web
      1. @sirgreatandpowerfuleaglehoovesthethirdofthelongtitle @minti I'd better go. I have school tomorrow, or today in your case, as it's already tomorrow where you are, but all the same, good night/morning/day.

        Friday, 30-Mar-12 06:49:14 UTC from web
        1. @jdavisrdnet01 Haha, night. Sleep well!

          Friday, 30-Mar-12 06:49:34 UTC from web
        2. @jdavisrdnet01 I've got physics II in 6 and a half hours, and I'm not leaving.... Oh Luna am I screwed.

          Friday, 30-Mar-12 06:50:45 UTC from web
        3. @jdavisrdnet01 Anyways, see ya later. Sleep well!

          Friday, 30-Mar-12 06:51:13 UTC from web