

  1. yay! Hello yall. and @extremedash thank you. <3 it looks like the pic of rarity though and once I finished I noticed and I was like well crap -.-;

    Friday, 13-May-11 22:14:47 UTC from web
    1. @celery you drew that? That's amazing!

      Friday, 13-May-11 22:19:54 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      1. @extremedash lawls. It's just a face, dear. and there's wayton better artists than I

        Friday, 13-May-11 22:20:55 UTC from web
        1. @celery Perhaps it's "just a face", but it's still very well dran. Just compare it to mine. >.> Also, speaking of phobias, I don't believe I mentioned my phobia of whales. Or perhaps I did. Yeah, I probably did. Anyway, basking sharks are some of the most horrible creatures on earth. I'd post a link to a pic of one, but I can't Google them.

          Friday, 13-May-11 22:24:46 UTC from web
          1. @retl yes, bo ru-ru was VERy cute. go try

            Friday, 13-May-11 22:26:29 UTC from web
          2. @flaxx well keep practicing ^^

            Friday, 13-May-11 22:26:43 UTC from web
            1. @celery I will. Hey, BTW, what program did you use when you drew that?

              Friday, 13-May-11 22:28:02 UTC from web
        2. @celery it's an adorable face and I can't draw at all so it's pretty amazing to me :D

          Friday, 13-May-11 22:26:37 UTC from StatusNet iPhone