

  1. What is this site filled with so many bronies?

    Friday, 06-Apr-12 16:07:24 UTC from web
    1. @scootabrew i do believe it is called "Rainbow Dash Network" and it is filled with bronies because the magic of friendship brought them together.

      Friday, 06-Apr-12 16:08:25 UTC from IdentiCurse
      1. @techdisk42 So wait. This site is about a bunch of ponies that love our little ponies?

        Friday, 06-Apr-12 16:09:30 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @renovatedkitchen @techdisk42 What's a pony?

          Friday, 06-Apr-12 16:10:05 UTC from web
        2. @renovatedkitchen From what i have observed in this feild, yes.

          Friday, 06-Apr-12 16:10:22 UTC from IdentiCurse
          1. @techdisk42 Interesting. I must continue in researching this friendship you speak of. I will write a weekly report to my princess about what I will learn.

            Friday, 06-Apr-12 16:11:34 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      2. @techdisk42 Wrong! Rainbow Dash Network is a site filled with AWESOME bronies, not bronies.

        Friday, 06-Apr-12 16:09:48 UTC from web