

  1. Think I'm going to use this for Droplet's new ref. I mean, if I'm updating her physique, I might as well update her hair while I'm at it.

    Sunday, 15-May-11 20:34:25 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    1. @droplet I like the one you have now but if you want it if don't it's okay with me, good template.

      Sunday, 15-May-11 20:36:06 UTC from web
      1. @doctorwhooves The problem is that the one I have right now is way too mare-ish and rather unfitting for her personality. xD So I changed her to look more like a teenage pony. (I had to learn it from Filly!Fluttershy and Snails refs though)

        Sunday, 15-May-11 20:37:27 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    2. @droplet Sorry if you don't want it I understand

      Sunday, 15-May-11 20:37:56 UTC from web
      1. @doctorwhooves Lol it's okay, I'm not even sure her hair is going to look like that on the end product either way.

        Sunday, 15-May-11 20:38:40 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
        1. @droplet Your choice.

          Sunday, 15-May-11 20:39:20 UTC from web